use crate::common::AdventOfCodeDay; use regex::Regex; use strum::IntoEnumIterator; use strum_macros::EnumIter; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; #[derive(Debug, EnumIter, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] enum Compass { North, East, South, West } impl Compass { pub fn transform_back(&self, tf: Transform) -> (Self, bool) { return match tf { Transform::None => match self { Compass::North => (Compass::North, false), Compass::East => (Compass::East, false), Compass::South => (Compass::South, false), Compass::West => (Compass::West, false), }, Transform::RotCW090 => match self { Compass::North => (Compass::West, false), Compass::East => (Compass::North, false), Compass::South => (Compass::East, false), Compass::West => (Compass::South, false), }, Transform::RotCW180 => match self { Compass::North => (Compass::South, false), Compass::East => (Compass::West, false), Compass::South => (Compass::North, false), Compass::West => (Compass::East, false), }, Transform::RotCW270 => match self { Compass::North => (Compass::East, false), Compass::East => (Compass::South, false), Compass::South => (Compass::West, false), Compass::West => (Compass::North, false), }, Transform::Flipped => match self { Compass::North => (Compass::West, true), Compass::East => (Compass::South, true), Compass::South => (Compass::East, true), Compass::West => (Compass::North, true), }, Transform::RotCW090Flipped => match self { Compass::North => (Compass::North, true), Compass::East => (Compass::West, true), Compass::South => (Compass::South, true), Compass::West => (Compass::East, true), }, Transform::RotCW180Flipped => match self { Compass::North => (Compass::East, true), Compass::East => (Compass::North, true), Compass::South => (Compass::West, true), Compass::West => (Compass::South, true), }, Transform::RotCW270Flipped => match self { Compass::North => (Compass::South, true), Compass::East => (Compass::East, true), Compass::South => (Compass::North, true), Compass::West => (Compass::West, true), }, }; } } #[derive(Debug, EnumIter, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] enum Transform { None, RotCW090, RotCW180, RotCW270, Flipped, RotCW090Flipped, RotCW180Flipped, RotCW270Flipped, } struct Tile { id: u32, bitmap: [[bool;10];10], sides: HashMap<(Compass, bool), (u32,u32)>, } pub struct Day20 { input: [[Tile;12];12], } fn new_tile_array() -> [[Tile;12];12] { let mut vec = Vec::<[Tile;12]>::with_capacity(12); for _ in 0..12 { let mut inner = Vec::::with_capacity(12); for _ in 0..12 { inner.push(Tile{ id: 0, bitmap: [[false;10];10], sides: HashMap::with_capacity(4*2) }); } vec.push(inner.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|_|panic!())); } return vec.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|_|panic!()) } impl Day20 { pub fn new() -> Self { let input_bytes = include_bytes!("../res/20_input.txt"); let input_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(input_bytes); let rex = Regex::new(r"Tile (?P[0-9]+):\n(?P([.#]{10}\n){10})").unwrap(); let mut tiles = new_tile_array(); let mut i = 0; for cap in rex.captures_iter(&input_str) { tiles[i/12][i%12].id ="id").unwrap().as_str().parse::().unwrap(); let raw ="bmp").unwrap().as_str().lines().map(|l| l.chars().collect::>()).collect::>>(); for y in 0..10 { for x in 0..10 { tiles[i/12][i%12].bitmap[y][x] = raw[y][x]=='#'; } } tiles[i/12][i%12].gen_cache(); i+=1; } Self { input: tiles } } } impl Day20 { fn format_ids(tiles: &[[Tile;12];12]) -> String { let mut r = String::new(); for y in 0..12 { for x in 0..12 { let pad = format!(" {}", tiles[y][x].id); r.push_str(&pad); } r.push('\n'); } return r; } fn format_bitmaps(tiles: &[[Tile;12];12]) -> String { let mut r = String::with_capacity(12*12*12*12 + 1000); for y in 0..(12 * 11) { for x in 0..(12 * 11) { let gx = x / 11; let gy = y / 11; let ix = x % 11; let iy = y % 11; if ix==10 || iy == 10 { r.push(' '); continue; } r.push(match tiles[gy][gx].bitmap[iy][ix] { true => '#', false => '.', }); } r.push('\n'); } return r; } fn corner_to_transform_tl(tfs: Vec<(Compass, bool)>) -> Vec { let rtf = tfs.iter().map(|(c,_)| *c).collect::>(); if rtf.contains(&Compass::West) && rtf.contains(&Compass::North) { return vec![Transform::RotCW180, Transform::RotCW180Flipped]; } if rtf.contains(&Compass::North) && rtf.contains(&Compass::East) { return vec![Transform::RotCW270, Transform::RotCW270Flipped]; } if rtf.contains(&Compass::East) && rtf.contains(&Compass::South) { return vec![Transform::None, Transform::Flipped]; } if rtf.contains(&Compass::South) && rtf.contains(&Compass::West) { return vec![Transform::RotCW090, Transform::RotCW090Flipped]; } panic!(); } fn is_valid_neigbour_horz(left: &(&Tile, Transform), right: &(&Tile, Transform)) -> bool { let s1 = left.0.get_side_after_transform(Compass::East, left.1); let s2 = right.0.get_side_after_transform(Compass::West, right.1); return s1.0 == s2.1; } fn is_valid_neigbour_vert(top: &(&Tile, Transform), bottom: &(&Tile, Transform)) -> bool { let s1 = top.0.get_side_after_transform(Compass::South, top.1); let s2 = bottom.0.get_side_after_transform(Compass::North, bottom.1); return s1.0 == s2.1; } fn is_valid_candidate(x: usize, y: usize, tile: &Tile, transform: Transform, map: &HashMap::<(usize, usize), Vec<(&Tile, Transform)>>) -> bool { if x > 0 { if !map.get(&(x-1, y)).unwrap().iter().any(|t| Self::is_valid_neigbour_horz(t, &(tile, transform))) { return false; } } if x < 11 { if !map.get(&(x+1, y)).unwrap().iter().any(|t| Self::is_valid_neigbour_horz(&(tile, transform), t)) { return false; } } if y > 0 { if !map.get(&(x, y-1)).unwrap().iter().any(|t| Self::is_valid_neigbour_vert(t, &(tile, transform))) { return false; } } if y < 11 { if !map.get(&(x, y+1)).unwrap().iter().any(|t| Self::is_valid_neigbour_vert(&(tile, transform), t)) { return false; } } return true; } fn reconstruct(tiles: &Vec<&Tile>) -> [[Tile;12];12] { let mut candidates = HashMap::<(usize, usize), Vec<(&Tile, Transform)>>::with_capacity(12*12); for y in 0..12 { for x in 0..12 { candidates.insert((x,y), tiles.iter().flat_map(|tile| Transform::iter().map(move |tf| (*tile, tf))).collect()); } } let corners_tl = tiles.iter() .map(|t| (t, t.matching_sides(&tiles))) .filter(|(_,s)| s.len()==2) .map(|(t,s)| (*t, Self::corner_to_transform_tl(s))) .flat_map(|(t,s)| s.iter().map(|tf| (t, *tf)).collect::>() ) .collect::>(); let corner_tl = corners_tl.iter().skip(5).nth(0).unwrap(); verboseln!("Define [0,0] := ({}, {:?}):",, corner_tl.1); verboseln!("{}", corner_tl.0.transform(corner_tl.1).format_bitmap()); candidates.insert((0, 0), vec![*corner_tl]); for yy in 0..12 { for xx in 0..12 { if xx== 0 && yy == 0 { continue; } let other = candidates.get_mut(&(xx,yy)).unwrap(); other.retain(|p| !=; } } loop { let mut ok = 0; for y in 0..12 { for x in 0..12 { let cand = candidates.get(&(x,y)).unwrap(); if cand.len() == 1 { ok+=1; continue; } let oldlen = cand.len(); let mut cand_clone = cand.clone(); cand_clone.retain(|(tile, tf)| Day20::is_valid_candidate(x, y, tile, *tf, &candidates)); if cand_clone.len() == 0 { verboseln!("Reduced [{},{}] from {} to {} candidates", x, y, oldlen, cand_clone.len()); panic!("No more candidates after [is_valid_candidate]"); } else if oldlen != cand_clone.len() { if cand_clone.len() == 1 { verboseln!(" > Found tile for [{},{}] from {} candidates := ({}, {:?}):", x, y, oldlen, cand_clone[0], cand_clone[0].1); verboseln!("{}", cand_clone[0].0.transform(cand_clone[0].1).format_bitmap()); verboseln!(); } else { verboseln!("Reduced [{},{}] from {} to {} candidates", x, y, oldlen, cand_clone.len()); } if cand_clone.len() == 1 { for yy in 0..12 { for xx in 0..12 { if x==xx && y==yy { continue; } let other = candidates.get_mut(&(xx,yy)).unwrap(); let other_oldlen = other.len(); other.retain(|p| != cand_clone[0]; if other_oldlen != other.len() { verboseln!("Auto-force reduced [{},{}] from {} to {} candidates (triggered by [{},{}])", xx, yy, other_oldlen, other.len(), x, y); } if other.len() == 0 { panic!("No more candidates after [retain] in [{},{}]", xx, yy); } } } } candidates.insert((x, y), cand_clone); } else { verboseln!("No changes on [{},{}] ({} candidates)", x, y, oldlen); } } } if ok == 12*12 { break; } } let mut tiles = new_tile_array(); for y in 0..12 { for x in 0..12 { tiles[y][x].id = candidates[&(x,y)][0]; tiles[y][x].bitmap = Tile::apply_transform_10(&candidates[&(x,y)][0].0.bitmap, candidates[&(x,y)][0].1); tiles[y][x].gen_cache(); } } return tiles; } pub fn find_monsters(sea: &[[bool;8*12];8*12], str_blueprint: String) -> (Vec<(usize, usize)>, Vec<(usize, usize)>) { let bp_width = str_blueprint.lines().nth(0).unwrap().len(); let bp_height = str_blueprint.lines().count(); let blueprint = str_blueprint .lines() .enumerate() .flat_map(|(y,l)| l.chars().enumerate().filter(|(_,v)| *v=='#').map(move |(x,_)| (x,y))) .collect::>(); verboseln!("Monster: {:?}", blueprint); let mut r = Vec::new(); for y in 0..(8*12-bp_height) { for x in 0..(8*12-bp_width) { if blueprint.iter().all(|(dx,dy)| sea[y + *dy][x + *dx]) { r.push((x, y)); } } } let mk = r.iter() .flat_map(|(sx,sy)| blueprint.iter().map(move |(dx,dy)| (*sx+*dx, *sy+*dy))) .collect::>() .iter() .map(|p|*p) .collect::>(); return (r, mk); } } impl Tile { fn format_bitmap(&self) -> String { let mut r = String::with_capacity(10*11); for y in 0..10 { for x in 0..10 { r.push(match self.bitmap[y][x] { true => '#', false => '.', }); } r.push('\n'); } return r; } fn transform(&self, tf: Transform) -> Self { let mut r = Self { id:, bitmap: Self::apply_transform_10(&self.bitmap, tf), sides: HashMap::new(), }; r.gen_cache(); return r; } fn apply_transform_10(src: &[[bool;10];10], tf: Transform) -> [[bool;10];10] { let mut r = [[false;10];10]; for src_y in 0..10 { for src_x in 0..10 { let dst_x: usize; let dst_y: usize; match tf { Transform::None => { dst_x = 0 + src_x; dst_y = 0 + src_y; }, Transform::RotCW090 => { dst_x = 9 - src_y; dst_y = 0 + src_x; }, Transform::RotCW180 => { dst_x = 9 - src_x; dst_y = 9 - src_y; }, Transform::RotCW270 => { dst_x = 0 + src_y; dst_y = 9 - src_x; }, Transform::Flipped => { dst_x = 0 + src_y; dst_y = 0 + src_x; }, Transform::RotCW090Flipped => { dst_x = 9 - src_x; dst_y = 0 + src_y; }, Transform::RotCW180Flipped => { dst_x = 9 - src_y; dst_y = 9 - src_x; }, Transform::RotCW270Flipped => { dst_x = 0 + src_x; dst_y = 9 - src_y; }, }; r[dst_y][dst_x] = src[src_y][src_x]; } } return r; } fn apply_transform_96(src: &[[bool;8*12];8*12], tf: Transform) -> [[bool;8*12];8*12] { let mut r = [[false;8*12];8*12]; for src_y in 0..(8*12) { for src_x in 0..(8*12) { let dst_x: usize; let dst_y: usize; match tf { Transform::None => { dst_x = 0 + src_x; dst_y = 0 + src_y; }, Transform::RotCW090 => { dst_x = 95 - src_y; dst_y = 0 + src_x; }, Transform::RotCW180 => { dst_x = 95 - src_x; dst_y = 95 - src_y; }, Transform::RotCW270 => { dst_x = 0 + src_y; dst_y = 95 - src_x; }, Transform::Flipped => { dst_x = 0 + src_y; dst_y = 0 + src_x; }, Transform::RotCW090Flipped => { dst_x = 95 - src_x; dst_y = 0 + src_y; }, Transform::RotCW180Flipped => { dst_x = 95 - src_y; dst_y = 95 - src_x; }, Transform::RotCW270Flipped => { dst_x = 0 + src_x; dst_y = 95 - src_y; }, }; r[dst_y][dst_x] = src[src_y][src_x]; } } return r; } fn side_to_int(s: &[bool;10]) -> (u32,u32) { let mut u1=0; for i in 0..10 { u1 *= 2; if s[i] { u1 += 1; } } let mut u2=0; for i in 0..10 { u2 *= 2; if s[9-i] { u2 += 1; } } return (u1,u2); } fn get_side(&self, d: Compass, flipped: bool) -> (u32,u32) { return *self.sides.get(&(d,flipped)).unwrap(); } fn get_side_after_transform(&self, d: Compass, tf: Transform) -> (u32,u32) { return *self.sides.get(&d.transform_back(tf)).unwrap(); } fn calc_side(&self, d: Compass, flipped: bool) -> [bool;10] { let mut r = [false;10]; match flipped { false => { match d { Compass::North => { for i in 0..10 { r[i] = self.bitmap[0][i]; } return r; }, Compass::East => { for i in 0..10 { r[i] = self.bitmap[i][9]; } return r; }, Compass::South => { for i in 0..10 { r[i] = self.bitmap[9][9-i]; } return r; }, Compass::West => { for i in 0..10 { r[i] = self.bitmap[9-i][0]; } return r; }, } }, true => { match d { Compass::North => { for i in 0..10 { r[i] = self.bitmap[0][9-i]; } return r; }, Compass::East => { for i in 0..10 { r[i] = self.bitmap[9-i][9]; } return r; }, Compass::South => { for i in 0..10 { r[i] = self.bitmap[9][i]; } return r; }, Compass::West => { for i in 0..10 { r[i] = self.bitmap[i][0]; } return r; }, } }, } } fn matching_sides(&self, tiles: &Vec<&Tile>) -> Vec<(Compass, bool)> { let mut r = Vec::<(Compass, bool)>::new(); for d in Compass::iter() { for f in &[true, false] { let side = self.get_side(d, *f); let mut c = 0; for tile in tiles.iter().filter(|t| != { for d2 in Compass::iter() { if side.0 == tile.get_side(d2, true).0 { c+=1; break; } } } if c > 0 { r.push((d, *f)) } } } return r; } fn gen_cache(&mut self) { for c in Compass::iter() { self.sides.insert((c, false), Self::side_to_int(&self.calc_side(c, false))); self.sides.insert((c, true), Self::side_to_int(&self.calc_side(c, true))); } } } impl AdventOfCodeDay for Day20 { fn task_1(&self) -> String { verboseln!("{}", Day20::format_ids(&self.input)); verboseln!("{}", Day20::format_bitmaps(&self.input)); let tiles = self.input.iter().flat_map(|p| p.iter()).collect::>(); if is_verbose!() { for t in tiles.iter().filter(|t| t.matching_sides(&tiles).len() == 2) { verboseln!("{}", t.format_bitmap()); } } return tiles.iter().filter(|t| t.matching_sides(&tiles).len() == 2).map(|p| as u128).product::().to_string(); } fn task_2(&self) -> String { let tiles = self.input.iter().flat_map(|p| p.iter()).collect::>(); let bitmap_r = Day20::reconstruct(&tiles); verboseln!("Reconstructed:"); verboseln!("{}", Day20::format_bitmaps(&bitmap_r)); let mut bitmap_full: [[bool;8*12];8*12] = [[false;8*12];8*12]; for gy in 0..12 { for gx in 0..12 { for iy in 1..9 { for ix in 1..9 { bitmap_full[gy*8+iy-1][gx*8+ix-1] = bitmap_r[gy][gx].bitmap[iy][ix]; } } } } if is_verbose!() { verboseln!("Raw:"); let mut ostr = String::with_capacity(8*12*8*12); for y in 0..(8*12) { for x in 0..(8*12) { ostr.push(if bitmap_full[y][x] {'#'} else {'.'}) } ostr.push('\n'); } verboseln!("{}", ostr); } let monster_blueprint = "".to_owned() + " # " + "\n" + "# ## ## ###" + "\n" + " # # # # # # "; let mut monster_parts = Vec::new(); let mut monster_bitmap: [[bool;8*12];8*12] = [[false;8*12];8*12]; for tf in Transform::iter() { let bitmap_tf = Tile::apply_transform_96(&bitmap_full, tf); let (monsters, markers) = Day20::find_monsters(&bitmap_tf, monster_blueprint.clone()); verboseln!("Monsters in {:?}: {:?}", tf, monsters); if !monsters.is_empty() { monster_parts = markers; monster_bitmap = bitmap_tf; } } let mut roughness = 0; for x in 0..(8*12) { for y in 0..(8*12) { if monster_bitmap[y][x] && !monster_parts.contains(&(x,y)) { roughness += 1; } } } if is_verbose!() { verboseln!("Analyzed:"); let mut ostr = String::with_capacity(8*12*8*12); for y in 0..(8*12) { for x in 0..(8*12) { if monster_parts.contains(&(x,y)) { ostr.push('O') } else { ostr.push(if monster_bitmap[y][x] {'#'} else {'.'}) } } ostr.push('\n'); } verboseln!("{}", ostr); } return roughness.to_string(); } }