This is effectively an optimized implementation of [this algorithm]( You can see the ten patterns on the left side and beside them the area were we build our numbers. So what we do is iterate through the numbers from `100` to `1 000`, through the ten patterns and through the digits `0`, `1` and `2`. In each iteration we generate the number (from value, pattern and digit) and test for it primeness (with a simple [primality test]( - no prime sieve). If we found a prime we count the number of primes in it's family and if this count is eight we print the generated number and exit. This program is not the fastest, because I check all the primes "manually" and not with an prime sieve each iteration takes quite a time. But I wanted this to fit into the befunge-93 size restrictions, and even without a sieve the execution time is OK - for a befunge program.