* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CTabView displays contents in multiple tabs. * * At any time, only one tab is visible. Users can click on the tab header * to switch to see another tab of content. * * JavaScript is used to control the tab switching. If JavaScript is disabled, * CTabView still manages to display the content in a semantically appropriate way. * * To specify contents and their tab structure, configure the {@link tabs} property. * The {@link tabs} property takes an array with tab ID being mapped tab definition. * Each tab definition is an array of the following structure: * * * For example, the {@link tabs} property can be configured as follows, *
 * $this->widget('CTabView', array(
 *     'tabs'=>array(
 *         'tab1'=>array(
 *             'title'=>'tab 1 title',
 *             'view'=>'view1',
 *             'data'=>array('model'=>$model),
 *         ),
 *         'tab2'=>array(
 *             'title'=>'tab 2 title',
 *             'url'=>'http://www.yiiframework.com/',
 *         ),
 *     ),
 * ));
* * By default, the first tab will be activated. To activate a different tab * when the page is initially loaded, set {@link activeTab} to be the ID of the desired tab. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package system.web.widgets * @since 1.0 */ class CTabView extends CWidget { /** * Default CSS class for the tab container */ const CSS_CLASS='yiiTab'; /** * @var mixed the CSS file used for the widget. Defaults to null, meaning * using the default CSS file included together with the widget. * If false, no CSS file will be used. Otherwise, the specified CSS file * will be included when using this widget. */ public $cssFile; /** * @var string the ID of the tab that should be activated when the page is initially loaded. * If not set, the first tab will be activated. */ public $activeTab; /** * @var array the data that will be passed to the partial view rendered by each tab. */ public $viewData; /** * @var array additional HTML options to be rendered in the container tag. */ public $htmlOptions; /** * @var array tab definitions. The array keys are the IDs, * and the array values are the corresponding tab contents. * Each array value must be an array with the following elements: * *
	 * array(
	 *     'tab1'=>array(
	 *           'title'=>'tab 1 title',
	 *           'view'=>'view1',
	 *     ),
	 *     'tab2'=>array(
	 *           'title'=>'tab 2 title',
	 *           'url'=>'http://www.yiiframework.com/',
	 *     ),
	 * )
*/ public $tabs=array(); /** * Runs the widget. */ public function run() { foreach($this->tabs as $id=>$tab) if(isset($tab['visible']) && $tab['visible']==false) unset($this->tabs[$id]); if(empty($this->tabs)) return; if($this->activeTab===null || !isset($this->tabs[$this->activeTab])) { reset($this->tabs); list($this->activeTab, )=each($this->tabs); } $htmlOptions=$this->htmlOptions; if(isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) $this->id=$this->htmlOptions['id']; else $htmlOptions['id']=$this->id; if(!isset($htmlOptions['class'])) $htmlOptions['class']=self::CSS_CLASS; $this->registerClientScript(); echo CHtml::openTag('div',$htmlOptions)."\n"; $this->renderHeader(); $this->renderBody(); echo CHtml::closeTag('div'); } /** * Registers the needed CSS and JavaScript. */ public function registerClientScript() { $cs=Yii::app()->getClientScript(); $cs->registerCoreScript('yiitab'); $id=$this->getId(); $cs->registerScript('Yii.CTabView#'.$id,"jQuery(\"#{$id}\").yiitab();"); if($this->cssFile!==false) self::registerCssFile($this->cssFile); } /** * Registers the needed CSS file. * @param string $url the CSS URL. If null, a default CSS URL will be used. */ public static function registerCssFile($url=null) { $cs=Yii::app()->getClientScript(); if($url===null) $url=$cs->getCoreScriptUrl().'/yiitab/jquery.yiitab.css'; $cs->registerCssFile($url,'screen'); } /** * Renders the header part. */ protected function renderHeader() { echo "\n"; } /** * Renders the body part. */ protected function renderBody() { foreach($this->tabs as $id=>$tab) { $inactive=$id!==$this->activeTab?' style="display:none"' : ''; echo "
\n"; if(isset($tab['content'])) echo $tab['content']; elseif(isset($tab['view'])) { if(isset($tab['data'])) { if(is_array($this->viewData)) $data=array_merge($this->viewData, $tab['data']); else $data=$tab['data']; } else $data=$this->viewData; $this->getController()->renderPartial($tab['view'], $data); } echo "
\n"; } } }