* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CPhpMessageSource represents a message source that stores translated messages in PHP scripts. * * CPhpMessageSource uses PHP files and arrays to keep message translations. * * When {@link cachingDuration} is set as a positive number, message translations will be cached. * * Messages for an extension class (e.g. a widget, a module) can be specially managed and used. * In particular, if a message belongs to an extension whose class name is Xyz, then the message category * can be specified in the format of 'Xyz.categoryName'. And the corresponding message file * is assumed to be 'BasePath/messages/LanguageID/categoryName.php', where 'BasePath' refers to * the directory that contains the extension class file. When using Yii::t() to translate an extension message, * the category name should be set as 'Xyz.categoryName'. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package system.i18n * @since 1.0 */ class CPhpMessageSource extends CMessageSource { const CACHE_KEY_PREFIX='Yii.CPhpMessageSource.'; /** * @var integer the time in seconds that the messages can remain valid in cache. * Defaults to 0, meaning the caching is disabled. */ public $cachingDuration=0; /** * @var string the ID of the cache application component that is used to cache the messages. * Defaults to 'cache' which refers to the primary cache application component. * Set this property to false if you want to disable caching the messages. */ public $cacheID='cache'; /** * @var string the base path for all translated messages. Defaults to null, meaning * the "messages" subdirectory of the application directory (e.g. "protected/messages"). */ public $basePath; /** * @var array the message paths for extensions that do not have a base class to use as category prefix. * The format of the array should be: *
	 * array(
	 *     'ExtensionName' => 'ext.ExtensionName.messages',
	 * )
* Where the key is the name of the extension and the value is the alias to the path * of the "messages" subdirectory of the extension. * When using Yii::t() to translate an extension message, the category name should be * set as 'ExtensionName.categoryName'. * Defaults to an empty array, meaning no extensions registered. * @since 1.1.13 */ public $extensionPaths=array(); private $_files=array(); /** * Initializes the application component. * This method overrides the parent implementation by preprocessing * the user request data. */ public function init() { parent::init(); if($this->basePath===null) $this->basePath=Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.messages'); } /** * Determines the message file name based on the given category and language. * If the category name contains a dot, it will be split into the module class name and the category name. * In this case, the message file will be assumed to be located within the 'messages' subdirectory of * the directory containing the module class file. * Otherwise, the message file is assumed to be under the {@link basePath}. * @param string $category category name * @param string $language language ID * @return string the message file path */ protected function getMessageFile($category,$language) { if(!isset($this->_files[$category][$language])) { if(($pos=strpos($category,'.'))!==false) { $extensionClass=substr($category,0,$pos); $extensionCategory=substr($category,$pos+1); // First check if there's an extension registered for this class. if(isset($this->extensionPaths[$extensionClass])) $this->_files[$category][$language]=Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->extensionPaths[$extensionClass]).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$extensionCategory.'.php'; else { // No extension registered, need to find it. $class=new ReflectionClass($extensionClass); $this->_files[$category][$language]=dirname($class->getFileName()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'messages'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$extensionCategory.'.php'; } } else $this->_files[$category][$language]=$this->basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$category.'.php'; } return $this->_files[$category][$language]; } /** * Loads the message translation for the specified language and category. * @param string $category the message category * @param string $language the target language * @return array the loaded messages */ protected function loadMessages($category,$language) { $messageFile=$this->getMessageFile($category,$language); if($this->cachingDuration>0 && $this->cacheID!==false && ($cache=Yii::app()->getComponent($this->cacheID))!==null) { $key=self::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX . $messageFile; if(($data=$cache->get($key))!==false) return unserialize($data); } if(is_file($messageFile)) { $messages=include($messageFile); if(!is_array($messages)) $messages=array(); if(isset($cache)) { $dependency=new CFileCacheDependency($messageFile); $cache->set($key,serialize($messages),$this->cachingDuration,$dependency); } return $messages; } else return array(); } }