128), array('profile', 'safe'), ); } /** * @return array relational rules. */ public function relations() { // NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related // class name for the relations automatically generated below. return array( 'posts' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'author_id'), ); } /** * @return array customized attribute labels (name=>label) */ public function attributeLabels() { return array( 'id' => 'Id', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'email' => 'Email', 'profile' => 'Profile', ); } /** * Checks if the given password is correct. * @param string the password to be validated * @return boolean whether the password is valid */ public function validatePassword($password) { return CPasswordHelper::verifyPassword($password,$this->password); } /** * Generates the password hash. * @param string password * @return string hash */ public function hashPassword($password) { return CPasswordHelper::hashPassword($password); } }