628 lines
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628 lines
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require_once 'Utils.php';
require_once 'EGGDatabase.php';
interface IRemoteSource
/** @param $db EGGDatabase */
public function update(EGGDatabase $db);
/** @return string **/
public function getName();
/** @return string **/
public function toString();
abstract class StandardGitConnection implements IRemoteSource
/** @var ILogger $logger */
protected $logger;
/** @var string $name */
protected $name;
/** @var string $filter */
protected $filter;
/** @var string[] exclusions */
protected $exclusions;
* @param ILogger $logger
* @param string $name
* @param string $filter
* @param string[] exclusions
public function __construct(ILogger $logger, string $name, string $filter, array $exclusions)
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->name = $name;
$this->filter = $filter;
$this->exclusions = $exclusions;
/** @inheritDoc
* @throws Exception
public function update(EGGDatabase $db)
$repos = $this->listAndUpdateRepositories($db);
$anyChanged = false;
foreach ($repos as $repo)
$branches = $this->listAndUpdateBranches($db, $repo);
$repo_changed = false;
foreach ($branches as $branch)
if ($branch->HeadFromAPI === $branch->Head)
$this->logger->proclog("Branch: [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "|" . $branch->Name . "] is up to date");
$commits = $this->listAndUpdateCommits($db, $repo, $branch);
if (count($commits) === 0)
$this->logger->proclog("Branch: [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "|" . $branch->Name . "] has no new commits");
$this->logger->proclog("Found " . count($commits) . " new commits in Branch: [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "|" . $branch->Name . "]");
$repo_changed = true;
if ($repo_changed) $db->setChangeDateOnRepository($repo);
if ($repo_changed) $anyChanged = true;
$this->logger->proclog("Committing SQL-transaction for [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "]");
if ($anyChanged)
$this->logger->proclog("Deleting dangling commits...");
$this->logger->proclog("Finished [" . $this->name . "]");
* @throws Exception
protected abstract function preUpdate();
* @throws Exception
protected abstract function postUpdate();
* @param string $user
* @param int $page
* @return array
protected abstract function queryRepositories($user, $page);
* @param string $reponame
* @param int $page
* @return array
protected abstract function queryBranches($reponame, $page);
* @param string $reponame
* @param string $branchname
* @param string $startsha
* @return array
protected abstract function queryCommits($reponame, $branchname, $startsha);
* @param mixed $data
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected abstract function readRepository($data);
* @param mixed $data
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected abstract function readBranch($data);
* @param mixed $data
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected abstract function readCommit($data);
* @param EGGDatabase $db
* @return Repository[]
* @throws Exception
private function listAndUpdateRepositories(EGGDatabase $db) {
$f = explode('/', $this->filter);
$result = [];
$page = 1;
$json = $this->queryRepositories($f[0], $page);
$found = [];
while (! empty($json))
$count = 0;
foreach ($json as $result_repo)
$jdata = $this->readRepository($result_repo);
if (in_array($jdata['full_name'], $found)) continue;
$found []= $jdata['full_name'];
if (!Utils::isRepoFilterMatch($this->filter, $this->exclusions, $jdata['full_name']))
$this->logger->proclog("Skip Repo: " . $jdata['full_name']);
$this->logger->proclog("Found Repo in Remote: " . $jdata['full_name']);
$result []= $db->getOrCreateRepository($jdata['html_url'], $jdata['full_name'], $this->name);
if ($count === 0) break;
$json = $this->queryRepositories($f[0], $page);
$db->deleteOtherRepositories($this->name, $result);
return $result;
* @param EGGDatabase $db
* @param Repository $repo
* @return Branch[]
* @throws Exception
private function listAndUpdateBranches(EGGDatabase $db, Repository $repo) {
$result = [];
$page = 1;
$json = $this->queryBranches($repo->Name, $page);
$found = [];
while (! empty($json))
$count = 0;
foreach ($json as $result_branch) {
$jdata = $this->readBranch($result_branch);
if ($jdata === null) continue;
$bname = $jdata['name'];
$bhead = $jdata['sha'];
if (in_array($bname, $found)) continue;
$found []= $bname;
$this->logger->proclog("Found Branch in Remote: [" . $repo->Name . "] " . $bname);
$b = $db->getOrCreateBranch($this->name, $repo, $bname);
$b->HeadFromAPI = $bhead;
$result []= $b;
if ($count === 0) break;
$json = $this->queryBranches($repo->Name, $page);
$db->deleteOtherBranches($this->name, $repo, $result);
return $result;
* @param EGGDatabase $db
* @param Repository $repo
* @param Branch $branch
* @return Commit[]
* @throws Exception
private function listAndUpdateCommits(EGGDatabase $db, Repository $repo, Branch $branch) {
$newcommits = [];
if ($branch->HeadFromAPI === null) return [];
$target = $branch->Head;
$targetFound = false;
$next_sha = [ $branch->HeadFromAPI ];
$visited = array_map(function(Commit $m):string{return $m->Hash;}, $db->getCommits($branch));
$this->logger->proclog("Query commit for [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "|" . $branch->Name . "] (initial @ {" . substr($next_sha[0], 0, 8) . "})");
$json = $this->queryCommits($repo->Name, $branch->Name, $next_sha[0]);
for ($pg=2;;$pg++)
foreach ($json as $result_commit)
$jdata = $this->readCommit($result_commit);
$sha = $jdata['sha'];
$author_name = $jdata['author_name'];
$author_email = $jdata['author_email'];
$committer_name = $jdata['committer_name'];
$committer_email = $jdata['committer_email'];
$message = $jdata['message'];
$date = $jdata['date'];
$parents = $jdata['parents'];
if (($rmshakey = array_search($sha, $next_sha)) !== false) unset($next_sha[$rmshakey]);
if (in_array($sha, $visited)) continue;
$visited []= $sha;
if ($sha === $target) $targetFound = true;
if ($targetFound && count($next_sha) === 0)
if (count($newcommits) === 0)
$this->logger->proclog("Found no new commits for: [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "|" . $branch->Name . "] (HEAD at {" . substr($branch->HeadFromAPI, 0, 8) . "})");
return [];
$this->logger->proclog("Added " . count($newcommits) . " new commits for: [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "|" . $branch->Name . "] (HEAD moved from {" . substr($branch->Head, 0, 8) . "} to {" . substr($branch->HeadFromAPI, 0, 8) . "})");
$db->insertNewCommits($this->name, $repo, $branch, $newcommits);
$db->setBranchHead($branch, $branch->HeadFromAPI);
return $newcommits;
$commit = new Commit();
$commit->Branch = $branch;
$commit->Hash = $sha;
$commit->AuthorName = $author_name;
$commit->AuthorEmail = $author_email;
$commit->CommitterName = $committer_name;
$commit->CommitterEmail = $committer_email;
$commit->Message = $message;
$commit->Date = $date;
$commit->Parents = $parents;
$newcommits []= $commit;
foreach ($parents as $p)
$next_sha []= $p;
$next_sha = array_values($next_sha); // fix numeric keys
if (count($next_sha) === 0) break;
$this->logger->proclog("Query commit for [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "|" . $branch->Name . "] (" . $pg . " @ {" . substr($next_sha[0], 0, 8) . "})");
$json = $this->queryCommits($repo->Name, $branch->Name, $next_sha[0]);
$this->logger->proclog("HEAD pointer in Branch: [" . $this->name . "|" . $repo->Name . "|" . $branch->Name . "] no longer matches. Re-query all " . count($newcommits) . " commits (old HEAD := {".substr($branch->Head ?? 'NULL', 0, 8)."}, missing: [" . join(", ", array_map(function($p){return substr($p ?? 'NULL', 0, 8);}, $next_sha)) . "] )");
if (count($newcommits) === 0)
$db->setBranchHead($branch, null);
return [];
$db->insertNewCommits($this->name, $repo, $branch, $newcommits);
$db->setBranchHead($branch, $branch->HeadFromAPI);
return $newcommits;
/** @inheritDoc */
public function getName() { return $this->name; }
/** @inheritDoc */
public abstract function toString();
class GithubConnection extends StandardGitConnection
const API_OAUTH_AUTH = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=%s';
const URL_OAUTH_TOKEN = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token?client_id={id}&client_secret={secret}&code={code}';
const API_RATELIMIT = 'https://api.github.com/rate_limit';
const API_REPOSITORIESLIST = 'https://api.github.com/users/{user}/repos?page={page}&per_page=100';
const API_COMMITSLIST = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{repo}/commits?per_page=100&sha={sha}';
const API_BRANCHLIST = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{repo}/branches?page={page}';
/** @var string $url */
private $url;
/** @var string $oauth_id */
private $oauth_id;
/** @var string $oauth_secret */
private $oauth_secret;
/** @var string $apitokenpath */
private $apitokenpath;
/** @var string $apitoken */
private $apitoken;
* @param ILogger $logger
* @param string $name
* @param string $url
* @param string $filter
* @param string[] exclusions
* @param string $oauth_id
* @param string $oauth_secret
* @param string $apitokenpath
public function __construct(ILogger $logger, string $name, string $url, string $filter, array $exclusions, string $oauth_id, string $oauth_secret, string $apitokenpath)
parent::__construct($logger, $name, $filter, $exclusions);
$this->url = $url;
$this->oauth_id = $oauth_id;
$this->oauth_secret = $oauth_secret;
$this->apitokenpath = $apitokenpath;
if ($this->apitokenpath !== null && file_exists($this->apitokenpath))
$this->apitoken = file_get_contents($this->apitokenpath);
$this->apitoken = null;
* @throws Exception
public function queryAPIToken() {
$url = Utils::sharpFormat(self::URL_OAUTH_TOKEN, ['id'=>$this->oauth_id, 'secret'=>$this->oauth_secret, 'code'=>'egg']);
$fullresult = $result = file_get_contents($url);
if (Utils::startsWith($fullresult, 'error=')) throw new EGGException('GitHub Auth failed: ' . $fullresult);
$result = str_replace('access_token=', '', $result);
$result = str_replace('&scope=&token_type=bearer', '', $result);
$this->logger->proclog("Updated Github API token");
if ($result!=='' && $result !== null && $this->apitokenpath !== null)
file_put_contents($this->apitokenpath, $result);
$this->apitoken = $result;
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function preUpdate()
if ($this->apitoken === null) $this->queryAPIToken();
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function postUpdate()
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function queryRepositories($user, $page)
$url = Utils::sharpFormat(self::API_REPOSITORIESLIST, ['user'=>$user, 'page'=>$page]);
return Utils::getJSONWithTokenAuth($this->logger, $url, $this->apitoken);
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function queryBranches($reponame, $page)
$url = Utils::sharpFormat(self::API_BRANCHLIST, ['repo'=>$reponame, 'page'=>$page]);
return Utils::getJSONWithTokenAuth($this->logger, $url, $this->apitoken);
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function queryCommits($reponame, $branchname, $startsha)
$url = Utils::sharpFormat(self::API_COMMITSLIST, [ 'repo'=>$reponame, 'sha'=>$startsha ]);
return Utils::getJSONWithTokenAuth($this->logger, $url, $this->apitoken);
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function readRepository($data)
'full_name' => $data->{'full_name'},
'html_url' => $data->{'html_url'},
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function readBranch($data)
if (isset($data->{'block'})) return null;
'name' => $data->{'name'},
'sha' => $data->{'commit'}->{'sha'},
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function readCommit($data)
'sha' => $data->{'sha'},
'author_name' => $data->{'commit'}->{'author'}->{'name'},
'author_email' => $data->{'commit'}->{'author'}->{'email'},
'committer_name' => $data->{'commit'}->{'committer'}->{'name'},
'committer_email' => $data->{'commit'}->{'committer'}->{'email'},
'message' => $data->{'commit'}->{'message'},
'date' => (new DateTime($data->{'commit'}->{'author'}->{'date'}))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'parents' => array_map(function ($v){ return $v->{'sha'}; }, $data->{'parents'}),
/** @inheritDoc */
public function toString() { return "[Github|".$this->filter."]"; }
class GiteaConnection extends StandardGitConnection
const API_BASE_URL = '/api/v1';
const API_USER_REPO_LIST = '/users/{user}/repos?page={page}&limit={limit}';
const API_BRANCH_LIST = '/repos/{repo}/branches?page={page}&limit={limit}';
const API_COMMIT_LIST = '/repos/{repo}/commits?sha={sha}&limit={limit}';
/** @var string $url */
private $url;
/** @var string $username */
private $username;
/** @var string $password */
private $password;
* @param ILogger $logger
* @param string $name
* @param string $url
* @param string $filter
* @param string[] $exclusions
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
public function __construct(ILogger $logger, string $name, string $url, string $filter, array $exclusions, string $username, string $password)
parent::__construct($logger, $name, $filter, $exclusions);
$this->url = $url;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function preUpdate()
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function postUpdate()
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function queryRepositories($user, $page)
$url = Utils::sharpFormat(Utils::urlCombine($this->url, self::API_BASE_URL, self::API_USER_REPO_LIST), ['user'=>$user, 'page'=>$page, 'limit'=>64 ]);
return Utils::getJSONWithTokenBasicAuth($this->logger, $url, $this->username, $this->password);
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function queryBranches($reponame, $page)
$url = Utils::sharpFormat(Utils::urlCombine($this->url, self::API_BASE_URL, self::API_BRANCH_LIST), ['repo'=>$reponame, 'page'=>$page, 'limit'=>64]);
return Utils::getJSONWithTokenBasicAuth($this->logger, $url, $this->username, $this->password);
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function queryCommits($reponame, $branchname, $startsha)
$url = Utils::sharpFormat(Utils::urlCombine($this->url, self::API_BASE_URL, self::API_COMMIT_LIST), [ 'repo'=>$reponame, 'sha'=>$startsha, 'limit'=>1024 ]);
return Utils::getJSONWithTokenBasicAuth($this->logger, $url, $this->username, $this->password);
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function readRepository($data)
'full_name' => $data->{'full_name'},
'html_url' => $data->{'html_url'},
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function readBranch($data)
'name' => $data->{'name'},
'sha' => $data->{'commit'}->{'id'},
/** @inheritDoc */
protected function readCommit($data)
'sha' => $data->{'commit'}->{'tree'}->{'sha'},
'author_name' => $data->{'commit'}->{'author'}->{'name'},
'author_email' => $data->{'commit'}->{'author'}->{'email'},
'committer_name' => $data->{'commit'}->{'committer'}->{'name'},
'committer_email' => $data->{'commit'}->{'committer'}->{'email'},
'message' => $data->{'commit'}->{'message'},
'date' => (new DateTime($data->{'commit'}->{'author'}->{'date'}))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'parents' => array_map(function ($v){ return $v->{'sha'}; }, $data->{'parents'}),
/** @inheritDoc */
public function toString() { return "[Gitea|".$this->url."|".$this->filter."]"; }
} |