136 lines
3.5 KiB

use crate::common::AdventOfCodeDay;
pub struct Day23 {
input: Vec<u8>,
impl Day23 {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let input_bytes = include_bytes!("../res/23_input.txt");
let input_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(input_bytes);
let cups = input_str
.map(|p| p.to_string().parse::<u8>().unwrap())
Self {
input: cups
impl Day23 {
fn do_move(cups: &mut Vec<u8>) {
verboseln!("Cups: {:?}", cups);
let n1 = cups[1];
let n2 = cups[2];
let n3 = cups[3];
verboseln!("pick up: {}, {}, {}", n1,n2,n3);
let mut dest = (cups[0] + 9-1-1) % 9 + 1;
while !cups.iter().skip(4).any(|p| *p == dest) {
dest = (dest + 9-1-1) % 9 + 1;
let dest_idx = cups.iter().position(|p| *p==dest).unwrap() + 1;
verboseln!("destination: {}, (idx: {})", dest,dest_idx);
cups.insert(dest_idx, n3);
cups.insert(dest_idx, n2);
cups.insert(dest_idx, n1);
let f = cups.remove(0);
fn do_move_linkedlist(cups: &mut [u32; 1_000_000], currcup: u32) -> u32 {
let n0 = currcup;
let n1 = cups[n0 as usize];
let n2 = cups[n1 as usize];
let n3 = cups[n2 as usize];
let n4 = cups[n3 as usize];
let mut dest = (n0+(1_000_000-1)) % 1_000_000;
while dest == n1 || dest == n2 || dest == n3 {
dest = (dest+(1_000_000-1)) % 1_000_000;
let d1 = cups[dest as usize];
//verboseln!("Cups [ptr]: {:?}", cups.iter().take(16).collect::<Vec<_>>());
//verboseln!("current: {}", currcup);
//verboseln!("picked: {},{},{}", n1,n2,n3);
//verboseln!("destination: {}", dest);
// remove after curr
cups[n0 as usize] = n4;
// insert after dest
cups[dest as usize] = n1;
cups[n3 as usize] = d1;
return n4;
impl AdventOfCodeDay for Day23 {
fn task_1(&self) -> String {
let mut cups = self.input.clone();
for _ in 0..100 {
Self::do_move(&mut cups);
let c1idx = cups.iter().position(|p| *p==1).unwrap();
let mut r = String::new();
for idx in 1..9 {
r = r + &cups[(idx+c1idx) % 9].to_string();
return r;
fn task_2(&self) -> String {
let mut cups = [0u32; 1_000_000]; // at cell[x] is the value of the cup right to the cup with the value x (-> single-linked-list)
for idx in 0..1_000_000 {
if idx == (1_000_000-1) {
cups[idx] = (self.input[0]-1) as u32;
} else if idx > 8 {
cups[idx] = (idx+1) as u32;
} else if idx == 8 {
cups[(self.input[idx]-1) as usize] = 9;
} else {
cups[(self.input[idx]-1) as usize] = (self.input[idx+1 as usize]-1) as u32;
let mut curr = (self.input[0]-1) as u32;
for _ in 0..10_000_000 {
curr = Self::do_move_linkedlist(&mut cups, curr);
let n1 = cups[0 as usize] as u128;
let n2 = cups[n1 as usize] as u128;
verboseln!("{} * {}", n1+1, n2+1);
return ((n1+1)*(n2+1)).to_string();