
155 lines
3.7 KiB

namespace AdventOfCode2019_14_2
const DAY = 14;
const PROBLEM = 2;
export async function run()
let input = await AdventOfCode.getInput(DAY);
if (input == null) return;
let recipes: { [_:string]:[number, [number, string][], string ] } = {};
for (let line of input.split(new RegExp('\r?\n')).filter(p => p.trim().length > 0))
const left = line.split(" => ")[0];
const right = line.split(" => ")[1];
const right_n = parseInt(right.split(" ")[0]);
const right_v = right.split(" ")[1];
recipes[right_v] = [ right_n, left.split(", ").map(p => [ parseInt(p.split(" ")[0]), p.split(" ")[1] ] ), line ];
// binary search
const target = 1_000_000_000_000;
let lower = 1;
let upper = 1_000_000_000_000;
AdventOfCode.outputConsole(`Range: [${lower} | ${upper}]`);
const f = Math.floor((upper+lower) / 2);
const o = calcOreRequirement(recipes, f);
AdventOfCode.outputConsole(`${o} ORE => ${f} FUEL`);
if (o > target) {
upper = f;
} else if (o < target) {
lower = f;
} else {
upper = lower = f; // jackpot
AdventOfCode.outputConsole(`Range: [${lower} | ${upper}]`);
AdventOfCode.output(DAY, PROBLEM, lower.toString());
function calcOreRequirement(recipes: { [_:string]:[number, [number, string][], string ] }, fuelcount: number): number
let missing : [number, string][] = [ [fuelcount, "FUEL"] ];
let surplus : [number, string][] = [];
while( missing.length>1 || missing[0][1] !== "ORE" )
missing = missing.filter(p => p[0]>0);
surplus = surplus.filter(p => p[0]>0);
//AdventOfCode.outputConsole("missing: [" + missing.map(p => p[0]+"|"+p[1]).reduce((a,b)=>a+" "+b, "")+"]");
//AdventOfCode.outputConsole("surplus: [" + surplus.map(p => p[0]+"|"+p[1]).reduce((a,b)=>a+" "+b, "")+"]");
let target = missing.pop();
if (target === undefined) throw "undef??";
if (target[1] === "ORE")
missing = missing.reverse();
target = missing.pop();
if (target === undefined) throw "undef??";
const orig_recipe = recipes[target[1]];
const factor = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(target[0] / orig_recipe[0]));
let recipe: [number, [number, string][], string] =
Object.assign([], orig_recipe[1]).map(p => [ factor*p[0], p[1] ] ),
if (target[0] > recipe[0])
missing.push([ target[0] - recipe[0], target[1] ]);
else if (target[0] < recipe[0])
let found=false;
for(let i=0; i<surplus.length; i++)
if (surplus[i][1] === target[1])
surplus[i][0] += (recipe[0] - target[0]);
found = true;
if (!found) surplus.push([ (recipe[0] - target[0]), target[1] ]);
let incredentials = Object.assign([], recipe[1]);
for(let icrd of incredentials)
let incred_count = icrd[0];
const incred_name = icrd[1];
for(let i=0; i<surplus.length; i++)
if (surplus[i][1] === incred_name)
if (surplus[i][0] >= incred_count)
surplus[i][0] -= incred_count;
incred_count = 0;
incred_count -= surplus[i][0];
surplus[i][0] = 0;
if (incred_count > 0)
let found=false;
for(let i=0; i<missing.length; i++)
if (missing[i][1] === incred_name)
missing[i][0] += incred_count;
found = true;
if (!found) missing.push([incred_count, incred_name]);
return missing[0][0];