
This is sample widget wich can help you to add DISQUS support in to your Yii site.


You must be registered on DISQUS


Copy YiiDisqusWidget folder in you protected/extensions folder.


Just add this code on your page where you need to include DISQUS. Simple usage:

// DISQUS_SHORTNAME - You disqus_shortname from DISQUS.

You can change all off disqus_ parameters in options array:

var disqus_shortname;
var disqus_identifier;
var disqus_title;
var disqus_url;

Just add it in option array:

        'shortname' => 'DISQUS_SHORTNAME',
        'identifier' => 'DISQUS_IDENTIFIER',
        'title' => 'DISQUS_TITLE',
        'url' => 'DISQUS_URL',
        'category_id' => 'DISQUS_CATEGORY_ID',

More information about DISQUS variables on http://help.disqus.com/
