remove old PHP project

This commit is contained in:
Mike Schwörer 2023-08-12 11:14:20 +02:00
parent bef0b8189e
commit 4773800f23
Signed by: Mikescher
GPG Key ID: D3C7172E0A70F8CF
28 changed files with 157 additions and 2022 deletions

View File

@ -10,9 +10,6 @@
- ios purchase verification - ios purchase verification
- increase max body size (smth like 2MB?)
(also increase cronexec char limit)
- use goext.ginWrapper - use goext.ginWrapper
- use goext.exerr - use goext.exerr
@ -56,6 +53,163 @@
(or add another /kuma endpoint) (or add another /kuma endpoint)
-> ->
{"heartbeat":{"monitorID":89,"status":0,"time":"2023-07-31 18:56:15.374","msg":"timeout of 16000ms exceeded","important":true,"duration":36,"timezone":"Europe/Berlin","timezoneOffset":"+02:00","localDateTime":"2023-07-31 20:56:15"},"monitor":{"id":89,"name":"test","description":null,"pathName":"test","parent":null,"childrenIDs":[],"url":"","method":"GET","hostname":null,"port":null,"maxretries":1,"weight":2000,"active":true,"forceInactive":false,"type":"http","interval":20,"retryInterval":20,"resendInterval":0,"keyword":null,"expiryNotification":false,"ignoreTls":false,"upsideDown":false,"packetSize":56,"maxredirects":10,"accepted_statuscodes":["200-299"],"dns_resolve_type":"A","dns_resolve_server":"","dns_last_result":null,"docker_container":"","docker_host":null,"proxyId":null,"notificationIDList":{"2":true},"tags":[],"maintenance":false,"mqttTopic":"","mqttSuccessMessage":"","databaseQuery":null,"authMethod":null,"grpcUrl":null,"grpcProtobuf":null,"grpcMethod":null,"grpcServiceName":null,"grpcEnableTls":false,"radiusCalledStationId":null,"radiusCallingStationId":null,"game":null,"httpBodyEncoding":"json","includeSensitiveData":false},"msg":"[test] [🔴 Down] timeout of 16000ms exceeded"}
"heartbeat": {
"monitorID": 89,
"status": 1,
"time": "2023-07-31 18:56:57.151",
"msg": "200 - OK",
"ping": 55,
"important": true,
"duration": 41,
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"timezoneOffset": "+02:00",
"localDateTime": "2023-07-31 20:56:57"
"monitor": {
"id": 89,
"name": "test",
"description": null,
"pathName": "test",
"parent": null,
"childrenIDs": [],
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"hostname": null,
"port": null,
"maxretries": 1,
"weight": 2000,
"active": true,
"forceInactive": false,
"type": "http",
"interval": 20,
"retryInterval": 20,
"resendInterval": 0,
"keyword": null,
"expiryNotification": false,
"ignoreTls": false,
"upsideDown": false,
"packetSize": 56,
"maxredirects": 10,
"accepted_statuscodes": [
"dns_resolve_type": "A",
"dns_resolve_server": "",
"dns_last_result": null,
"docker_container": "",
"docker_host": null,
"proxyId": null,
"notificationIDList": {
"2": true
"tags": [],
"maintenance": false,
"mqttTopic": "",
"mqttSuccessMessage": "",
"databaseQuery": null,
"authMethod": null,
"grpcUrl": null,
"grpcProtobuf": null,
"grpcMethod": null,
"grpcServiceName": null,
"grpcEnableTls": false,
"radiusCalledStationId": null,
"radiusCallingStationId": null,
"game": null,
"httpBodyEncoding": "json",
"includeSensitiveData": false
"msg": "[test] [✅ Up] 200 - OK"
"heartbeat": {
"monitorID": 89,
"status": 0,
"time": "2023-07-31 18:57:44.037",
"msg": "getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND",
"important": true,
"duration": 20,
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"timezoneOffset": "+02:00",
"localDateTime": "2023-07-31 20:57:44"
"monitor": {
"id": 89,
"name": "test",
"description": null,
"pathName": "test",
"parent": null,
"childrenIDs": [],
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"hostname": null,
"port": null,
"maxretries": 1,
"weight": 2000,
"active": true,
"forceInactive": false,
"type": "http",
"interval": 20,
"retryInterval": 20,
"resendInterval": 0,
"keyword": null,
"expiryNotification": false,
"ignoreTls": false,
"upsideDown": false,
"packetSize": 56,
"maxredirects": 10,
"accepted_statuscodes": [
"dns_resolve_type": "A",
"dns_resolve_server": "",
"dns_last_result": null,
"docker_container": "",
"docker_host": null,
"proxyId": null,
"notificationIDList": {
"2": true
"tags": [],
"maintenance": false,
"mqttTopic": "",
"mqttSuccessMessage": "",
"databaseQuery": null,
"authMethod": null,
"grpcUrl": null,
"grpcProtobuf": null,
"grpcMethod": null,
"grpcServiceName": null,
"grpcEnableTls": false,
"radiusCalledStationId": null,
"radiusCallingStationId": null,
"game": null,
"httpBodyEncoding": "json",
"includeSensitiveData": false
"msg": "[test] [🔴 Down] getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND"
- endpoint to list all servernames of user (distinct select) - endpoint to list all servernames of user (distinct select)
- weblogin, webapp, ... - weblogin, webapp, ...

web/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
# Created by,windows,intellij,phpstorm+all
### Git ###
# Created by git for backups. To disable backups in Git:
# $ git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false
# Created by git when using merge tools for conflicts
### Intellij ###
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
# Reference:
# User-specific stuff
# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
### Intellij Patch ###
# Comment Reason:
# *.iml
# modules.xml
# .idea/misc.xml
# *.ipr
# Sonarlint plugin
### PhpStorm+all ###
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
# Reference:
# User-specific stuff
# Generated files
# Sensitive or high-churn files
# Gradle
# Gradle and Maven with auto-import
# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files,
# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using
# auto-import.
# .idea/modules.xml
# .idea/*.iml
# .idea/modules
# CMake
# Mongo Explorer plugin
# File-based project format
# IntelliJ
# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
# JIRA plugin
# Cursive Clojure plugin
# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
# Editor-based Rest Client
# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file
### PhpStorm+all Patch ###
# Ignores the whole .idea folder and all .iml files
# See and
# Reason:
### Windows ###
# Windows thumbnail cache files
# Dump file
# Folder config file
# Recycle Bin used on file shares
# Windows Installer files
# Windows shortcuts
# End of,windows,intellij,phpstorm+all

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
if (file_exists('/var/www/openwebanalytics/owa_php.php'))
$owa = new owa_php();
$owa->setPageTitle('API (Short)');
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/mini-default.min.css"> <!-- -->
<title>Simple Cloud Notifications - API</title>
<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/mini-nord.min.css">-->
<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/mini-dark.min.css">-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png"/>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.ico"/>
<div id="copyinfo">
<a tabindex="-1" href="">&#169; blackforestbytes</a>
<a tabindex="-1" href="">made by Mike Schw&ouml;rer</a>
<div id="mainpnl">
<a tabindex="-1" href="" class="button bordered" id="tl_link"><span class="icn-google-play"></span></a>
<a tabindex="-1" href="/index.php" class="button bordered" id="tr_link">Send</a>
<a tabindex="-1" href="/" class="linkcaption"><h1>Simple Cloud Notifier</h1></a>
<p>Get your user-id and user-key from the app and send notifications to your phone by performing a POST request against <code></code></p>
<pre>curl \
--data "user_id={userid}" \
--data "user_key={userkey}" \
--data "title={message_title}" \
--data "content={message_body}" \
--data "priority={0|1|2}" \
--data "msg_id={unique_message_id}" \</pre>
<p>The <code>content</code>, <code>priority</code> and <code>msg_id</code> parameters are optional, you can also send message with only a title and the default priority</p>
<pre>curl \
--data "user_id={userid}" \
--data "user_key={userkey}" \
--data "title={message_title}" \</pre>
<a href="/api_more.php" class="button bordered tertiary" style="float: right; min-width: 100px; text-align: center">More</a>

web/api/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// insert your values here and rename to config.php
'global' =>
'prod' => true,
'database' =>
'host' => '?',
'database' => '?',
'user' => '?',
'password' => '?',
'firebase' =>
'type' => 'service_account',
'project_id' => '?',
'private_key_id' => '???',
'client_email' => '???',
'client_id' => '???',
'auth_uri' => '',
'token_uri' => '',
'auth_provider_x509_cert_url' => '',
'client_x509_cert_url' => '',
'private_key' => "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
. "??????????\n"
. "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
'server_key' => '????',
'verify_api' =>
'package_name' => 'com.blackforestbytes.simplecloudnotifier',
'product_id' => '???',
'clientid' => '???',
'clientsecret' => '???',
'accesstoken' => file_exists('.verify_accesstoken') ? file_get_contents('.verify_accesstoken') : '',
'refreshtoken' => '???',
'scope' => '',
'error_reporting' =>
'send-mail' => true,
'email-error-target' => '???@???.com',
'email-error-sender' => '???@???.com',

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
include_once 'model.php';
$INPUT = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (!isset($INPUT['user_id'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>101, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_id]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['user_key'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>102, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_key]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['scn_msg_id'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>103, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[scn_msg_id]]']));
$user_id = $INPUT['user_id'];
$user_key = $INPUT['user_key'];
$scn_msg_id = $INPUT['scn_msg_id'];
$pdo = getDatabase();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT user_id, user_key, quota_today, is_pro, quota_day, fcm_token FROM users WHERE user_id = :uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>201, 'message' => 'User not found']));
$data = $datas[0];
if ($data === null) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>202, 'message' => 'User not found']));
if ($data['user_id'] !== (int)$user_id) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>203, 'message' => 'UserID not found']));
if ($data['user_key'] !== $user_key) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>204, 'message' => 'Authentification failed']));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT ack FROM messages WHERE scn_message_id=:smid AND sender_user_id=:uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['smid' => $scn_msg_id, 'uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>301, 'message' => 'Message not found']));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE messages SET ack=1 WHERE scn_message_id=:smid AND sender_user_id=:uid');
$stmt->execute(['smid' => $scn_msg_id, 'uid' => $user_id]);
'success' => true,
'prev_ack' => $datas[0]['ack'],
'new_ack' => 1,
'message' => 'ok'

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
include_once 'model.php';
$INPUT = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (!isset($INPUT['user_id'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>101, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_id]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['user_key'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>102, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_key]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['scn_msg_id'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>103, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[scn_msg_id]]']));
$user_id = $INPUT['user_id'];
$user_key = $INPUT['user_key'];
$scn_msg_id = $INPUT['scn_msg_id'];
$pdo = getDatabase();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT user_id, user_key, quota_today, is_pro, quota_day, fcm_token FROM users WHERE user_id = :uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>201, 'message' => 'User not found']));
$data = $datas[0];
if ($data === null) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>202, 'message' => 'User not found']));
if ($data['user_id'] !== (int)$user_id) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>203, 'message' => 'UserID not found']));
if ($data['user_key'] !== $user_key) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>204, 'message' => 'Authentification failed']));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM messages WHERE scn_message_id=:smid AND sender_user_id=:uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['smid' => $scn_msg_id, 'uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>301, 'message' => 'Message not found']));
$msg = $datas[0];
'success' => true,
'data' =>
'title' => $msg['title'],
'body' => $msg['content'],
'trimmed' => false,
'priority' => $msg['priority'],
'timestamp' => $msg['sendtime'],
'usr_msg_id' => $msg['usr_message_id'],
'scn_msg_id' => $msg['scn_message_id'],
'message' => 'ok'

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
include_once 'model.php';
$INPUT = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (!isset($INPUT['user_id'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>101, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_id]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['user_key'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>102, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_key]]']));
$user_id = $INPUT['user_id'];
$user_key = $INPUT['user_key'];
$pdo = getDatabase();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT user_id, user_key, quota_today, is_pro, quota_day, fcm_token FROM users WHERE user_id = :uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>201, 'message' => 'User not found']));
$data = $datas[0];
if ($data === null) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>202, 'message' => 'User not found']));
if ($data['user_id'] !== (int)$user_id) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>203, 'message' => 'UserID not found']));
if ($data['user_key'] !== $user_key) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>204, 'message' => 'Authentification failed']));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE ack=0 AND sender_user_id=:uid');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$nack_count = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)[0];
$quota = $data['quota_today'];
$is_pro = $data['is_pro'];
if ($data['quota_day'] === null || $data['quota_day'] !== date("Y-m-d")) $quota=0;
'success' => true,
'message' => 'ok',
'user_id' => $user_id,
'quota' => $quota,
'quota_max' => Statics::quota_max($is_pro),
'is_pro' => $is_pro,
'fcm_token_set' => ($data['fcm_token'] != null),
'unack_count' => $nack_count,

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
class ERR
const NO_ERROR = 0000;
const MISSING_UID = 1101;
const MISSING_TOK = 1102;
const MISSING_TITLE = 1103;
const INVALID_PRIO = 1104;
const REQ_METHOD = 1105;
const NO_TITLE = 1201;
const TITLE_TOO_LONG = 1202;
const CONTENT_TOO_LONG = 1203;
const USR_MSG_ID_TOO_LONG = 1204;
const USER_NOT_FOUND = 1301;
const USER_AUTH_FAILED = 1302;
const NO_DEVICE_LINKED = 1401;
const QUOTA_REACHED = 2101;
class Statics
public static $DB = NULL;
public static $CFG = NULL;
public static function quota_max($is_pro) { return $is_pro ? 1000 : 50; }
public static function contentlen_max($is_pro) { return $is_pro ? 16384 : 2048; }
function str_limit($str, $len)
if (strlen($str)>$len) return substr($str, 0, $len-3)."...";
return $str;
function getConfig()
if (Statics::$CFG !== NULL) return Statics::$CFG;
return Statics::$CFG = require "config.php";
* @param String $msg
* @param Exception $e
function reportError($msg, $e = null)
if ($e != null) $msg = ($msg."\n\n[[EXCEPTION]]\n" . $e . "\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
$subject = "SCN_Server has encountered an Error at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "] ";
$content = "";
$content .= 'HTTP_HOST: ' . ParamServerOrUndef('HTTP_HOST') . "\n";
$content .= 'REQUEST_URI: ' . ParamServerOrUndef('REQUEST_URI') . "\n";
$content .= 'TIME: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
$content .= 'REMOTE_ADDR: ' . ParamServerOrUndef('REMOTE_ADDR') . "\n";
$content .= 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: ' . ParamServerOrUndef('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') . "\n";
$content .= 'HTTP_USER_AGENT: ' . ParamServerOrUndef('HTTP_USER_AGENT') . "\n";
$content .= 'MESSAGE:' . "\n" . $msg . "\n";
$content .= '$_GET:' . "\n" . print_r($_GET, true) . "\n";
$content .= '$_POST:' . "\n" . print_r($_POST, true) . "\n";
$content .= '$_FILES:' . "\n" . print_r($_FILES, true) . "\n";
if (getConfig()['error_reporting']['send-mail']) sendMail($subject, $content, getConfig()['error_reporting']['email-error-target'], getConfig()['error_reporting']['email-error-sender']);
* @param string $subject
* @param string $content
* @param string $to
* @param string $from
function sendMail($subject, $content, $to, $from) {
mail($to, $subject, $content, 'From: ' . $from);
* @param string $idx
* @return string
function ParamServerOrUndef($idx) {
return isset($_SERVER[$idx]) ? $_SERVER[$idx] : 'NOT_SET';
function getDatabase()
if (Statics::$DB !== NULL) return Statics::$DB;
$_config = getConfig()['database'];
$dsn = "mysql:host=" . $_config['host'] . ";dbname=" . $_config['database'] . ";charset=utf8";
$opt = [
return Statics::$DB = new PDO($dsn, $_config['user'], $_config['password'], $opt);
function generateRandomAuthKey()
$random = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 64; $i++)
try {
switch (random_int(1, 3)) {
case 1:
$random .= chr(random_int(ord('0'), ord('9')));
case 2:
$random .= chr(random_int(ord('A'), ord('Z')));
case 3:
$random .= chr(random_int(ord('a'), ord('z')));
catch (Exception $e)
die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Internal error - no randomness']));
return $random;
* @param $url
* @param $body
* @param $header
* @return array|object|string
* @throws \Httpful\Exception\ConnectionErrorException
* @throws Exception
function sendPOST($url, $body, $header)
$builder = \Httpful\Request::post($url);
foreach ($header as $k => $v) $builder->addHeader($k, $v);
$response = $builder->send();
if ($response->code != 200) throw new Exception("Repsponse code: " . $response->code);
return $response->raw_body;
function verifyOrderToken($tok)
// if this does no longer work, you probably have to go through the initial OAuth process again
// 1. go to Postman do the [ ] request (in browser) to get a new "code"
// 2. go to Postman do the [ Get Tokens ] request to get a new "access_token" and "access_token"
// 3. update these tokens in the server config.php
$package = getConfig()['verify_api']['package_name'];
$product = getConfig()['verify_api']['product_id'];
$acctoken = getConfig()['verify_api']['accesstoken'];
if ($acctoken == '' || $acctoken == null || $acctoken == false) $acctoken = refreshVerifyToken();
$url = ''.$package.'/purchases/products/'.$product.'/tokens/'.$tok.'?access_token='.$acctoken;
$response = $builder = \Httpful\Request::get($url)->send();
$obj = json_decode($response->raw_body, true);
if ($response->code != 401 && ($obj === null || $obj === false))
reportError('verify-token returned NULL');
return false;
if ($response->code == 401 || isset($obj['error']) && isset($obj['error']['code']) && $obj['error']['code'] == 401) // "Invalid Credentials" -- refresh acces_token
$acctoken = refreshVerifyToken();
$url = ''.$package.'/purchases/products/'.$product.'/tokens/'.$tok.'?access_token='.$acctoken;
$response = $builder = \Httpful\Request::get($url)->send();
$obj = json_decode($response->raw_body, true);
if ($obj === null || $obj === false)
reportError('verify-token returned NULL');
return false;
if (isset($obj['purchaseState']) && $obj['purchaseState'] === 0) return true;
return false;
catch (Exception $e)
reportError("VerifyOrder token threw exception", $e);
return false;
/** @throws Exception */
function refreshVerifyToken()
$url = ''.
$json = sendPOST($url, "", []);
$obj = json_decode($json, true);
file_put_contents('.verify_accesstoken', $obj['access_token']);
return $obj['access_token'];
* @param int $http_code
* @param array $message
function api_return($http_code, $message)
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($message);
* @param String $str
* @param String[] $path
* @return mixed|null
function try_json($str, $path)
$o = json_decode($str, true);
foreach ($path as $p) $o = $o[$p];
return $o;
catch (Exception $e)
return null;
if (getConfig()['global']['prod']) {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
} else {
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
include_once 'model.php';
$INPUT = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (!isset($INPUT['fcm_token'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[fcm_token]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['pro'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[pro]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['pro_token'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[pro_token]]']));
$fcmtoken = $INPUT['fcm_token'];
$ispro = $INPUT['pro'] == 'true';
$pro_token = $INPUT['pro_token'];
$user_key = generateRandomAuthKey();
$pdo = getDatabase();
if ($ispro)
if (!verifyOrderToken($pro_token))
die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Purchase token could not be verified']));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO users (user_key, fcm_token, is_pro, pro_token, timestamp_accessed) VALUES (:key, :token, :bpro, :spro, NOW())');
$stmt->execute(['key' => $user_key, 'token' => $fcmtoken, 'bpro' => ($ispro ? 1 : 0), 'spro' => ($ispro ? $pro_token : null)]);
$user_id = $pdo->lastInsertId('user_id');
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET fcm_token=NULL WHERE user_id <> :uid AND fcm_token=:ft');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'ft' => $fcmtoken]);
if ($ispro)
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET is_pro=0, pro_token=NULL WHERE user_id <> :uid AND pro_token = :ptk');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'ptk' => $pro_token]);
'success' => true,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'user_key' => $user_key,
'quota' => 0,
'quota_max' => Statics::quota_max($ispro),
'is_pro' => $ispro,
'message' => 'New user registered'

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
include_once 'model.php';
$INPUT = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (!isset($INPUT['user_id'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>101, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_id]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['user_key'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>102, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_key]]']));
$user_id = $INPUT['user_id'];
$user_key = $INPUT['user_key'];
$pdo = getDatabase();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT user_id, user_key, quota_today, is_pro, quota_day, fcm_token FROM users WHERE user_id = :uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>201, 'message' => 'User not found']));
$data = $datas[0];
if ($data === null) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>202, 'message' => 'User not found']));
if ($data['user_id'] !== (int)$user_id) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>203, 'message' => 'UserID not found']));
if ($data['user_key'] !== $user_key) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'errid'=>204, 'message' => 'Authentification failed']));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM messages WHERE ack=0 AND sender_user_id=:uid ORDER BY `timestamp_real` DESC LIMIT 16');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$nonacks_sql = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$nonacks = [];
foreach ($nonacks_sql as $nack)
$nonacks []=
'title' => $nack['title'],
'body' => $nack['content'],
'priority' => $nack['priority'],
'timestamp' => $nack['sendtime'],
'usr_msg_id' => $nack['usr_message_id'],
'scn_msg_id' => $nack['scn_message_id'],
'success' => true,
'message' => 'ok',
'count' => count($nonacks),
'data' => $nonacks,

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
`user_key` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
`messages_sent` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`timestamp_accessed` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`quota_today` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)
CREATE TABLE `messages`
`scn_message_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`sender_user_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
`title` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
`content` LONGTEXT NULL,
`priority` INT(11) NOT NULL,
`fcm_message_id` VARCHAR(256) NULL,
`usr_message_id` VARCHAR(256) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`scn_message_id`)

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
include_once 'model.php';
$INPUT = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (!isset($INPUT['user_id'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_id]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['user_key'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_key]]']));
$user_id = $INPUT['user_id'];
$user_key = $INPUT['user_key'];
$fcm_token = isset($INPUT['fcm_token']) ? $INPUT['fcm_token'] : null;
$pdo = getDatabase();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT user_id, user_key, quota_today, quota_day, is_pro FROM users WHERE user_id = :uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'User not found']));
$data = $datas[0];
if ($data === null) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'User not found']));
if ($data['user_id'] !== (int)$user_id) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'UserID not found']));
if ($data['user_key'] !== $user_key) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Authentification failed']));
$quota = $data['quota_today'];
$is_pro = $data['is_pro'];
$new_userkey = generateRandomAuthKey();
if ($fcm_token === null)
// only gen new user_secret
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET timestamp_accessed=NOW(), user_key=:at WHERE user_id = :uid');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'at' => $new_userkey]);
'success' => true,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'user_key' => $new_userkey,
'quota' => $quota,
'quota_max'=> Statics::quota_max($data['is_pro']),
'is_pro' => $is_pro,
'message' => 'user updated'
// update fcm and gen new user_secret
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET timestamp_accessed=NOW(), fcm_token=:ft, user_key=:at WHERE user_id = :uid');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'ft' => $fcm_token, 'at' => $new_userkey]);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET fcm_token=NULL WHERE user_id <> :uid AND fcm_token=:ft');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'ft' => $fcm_token]);
'success' => true,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'user_key' => $new_userkey,
'quota' => $quota,
'quota_max'=> Statics::quota_max($data['is_pro']),
'is_pro' => $is_pro,
'message' => 'user updated'

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
include_once 'model.php';
$INPUT = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (!isset($INPUT['user_id'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_id]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['user_key'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_key]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['pro'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[pro]]']));
if (!isset($INPUT['pro_token'])) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[pro_token]]']));
$user_id = $INPUT['user_id'];
$user_key = $INPUT['user_key'];
$ispro = $INPUT['pro'] == 'true';
$pro_token = $INPUT['pro_token'];
$pdo = getDatabase();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT user_id, user_key, quota_today, quota_day, is_pro, pro_token FROM users WHERE user_id = :uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'User not found']));
$data = $datas[0];
if ($data === null) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'User not found']));
if ($data['user_id'] !== (int)$user_id) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'UserID not found']));
if ($data['user_key'] !== $user_key) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Authentification failed']));
if ($ispro)
// set pro=true
if ($data['pro_token'] != $pro_token)
if (!verifyOrderToken($pro_token)) die(json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Purchase token could not be verified']));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET timestamp_accessed=NOW(), is_pro=1, pro_token=:ptk WHERE user_id = :uid');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'ptk' => $pro_token]);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET is_pro=0, pro_token=NULL WHERE user_id <> :uid AND pro_token = :ptk');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'ptk' => $pro_token]);
'success' => true,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'quota' => $data['quota_today'],
'quota_max'=> Statics::quota_max(true),
'is_pro' => true,
'message' => 'user updated'
// set pro=false
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET timestamp_accessed=NOW(), is_pro=0, pro_token=NULL WHERE user_id = :uid');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
'success' => true,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'quota' => $data['quota_today'],
'quota_max'=> Statics::quota_max(false),
'is_pro' => false,
'message' => 'user updated'

View File

@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<a tabindex="-1" href="">made by Mike Schw&ouml;rer</a>
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<a tabindex="-1" href="/" class="linkcaption"><h1>Simple Cloud Notifier</h1></a>
<div class="section">
With this API you can send push notifications to your phone.
To recieve them you will need to install the <a href="">SimpleCloudNotifier</a> app from the play store.
When you open the app you can click on the account tab to see you unique <code>user_id</code> and <code>user_key</code>.
These two values are used to identify and authenticate your device so that send messages can be routed to your phone.
You can at any time generate a new <code>user_key</code> in the app and invalidate the old one.
There is also a <a href="/index.php">web interface</a> for this API to manually send notifications to your phone or to test your setup.
<div class="section">
By default you can send up to 100 messages per day per device.
If you need more you can upgrade your account in the app to get 1000 messages per day, this has the additional benefit of removing ads and supporting the development of the app (and making sure I can pay the server costs).
<h2>API Requests</h2>
<div class="section">
To send a new notification you send a <code>POST</code> request to the URL <code></code>.
All Parameters can either directly be submitted as URL parameters or they can be put into the POST body.
You <i>need</i> to supply a valid <code>user_id</code> - <code>user_key</code> pair and a <code>title</code> for your message, all other parameter are optional.
<h2>API Response</h2>
<div class="section">
If the operation was successful the API will respond with an HTTP statuscode 200 and an JSON payload indicating the send message and your remaining quota
<pre class="red-code">{
"message":"Message sent",
"results": [{"message_id":"0:10000000000000000000000000000000d"}]
If the operation is <b>not</b> successful the API will respond with an 4xx HTTP statuscode.
<table class="scode_table">
<td data-label="Statuscode">200 (OK)</td>
<td data-label="Explanation">Message sent</td>
<td data-label="Statuscode">400 (Bad Request)</td>
<td data-label="Explanation">The request is invalid (missing parameters or wrong values)</td>
<td data-label="Statuscode">401 (Unauthorized)</td>
<td data-label="Explanation">The user_id was not found or the user_key is wrong</td>
<td data-label="Statuscode">403 (Forbidden)</td>
<td data-label="Explanation">The user has exceeded its daily quota - wait 24 hours or upgrade your account</td>
<td data-label="Statuscode">412 (Precondition Failed)</td>
<td data-label="Explanation">There is no device connected with this account - open the app and press the refresh button in the account tab</td>
<td data-label="Statuscode">500 (Internal Server Error)</td>
<td data-label="Explanation">There was an internal error while sending your data - try again later</td>
There is also always a JSON payload with additional information.
The <code>success</code> field is always there and in the error state you the <code>message</code> field to get a descritpion of the problem.
<pre class="red-code">{
"message":"Daily quota reached (100)"
<h2>Message Content</h2>
<div class="section">
Every message must have a title set.
But you also (optionally) add more content, while the title has a max length of 120 characters, the conntent can be up to 10.000 characters.
You can see the whole message with title and content in the app or when clicking on the notification.
If needed the content can be supplied in the <code>content</code> parameter.
<pre>curl \
--data "user_id={userid}" \
--data "user_key={userkey}" \
--data "title={message_title}" \
--data "content={message_content}" \</pre>
<h2>Message Priority</h2>
<div class="section">
Currently you can send a message with three different priorities: 0 (low), 1 (normal) and 2 (high).
In the app you can then configure a different behaviour for different priorities, e.g. only playing a sound if the notification is high priority.
Priorites are either 0, 1 or 2 and are supplied in the <code>priority</code> parameter.
If no priority is supplied the message will get the default priority of 1.
<pre>curl \
--data "user_id={userid}" \
--data "user_key={userkey}" \
--data "title={message_title}" \
--data "priority={0|1|2}" \</pre>
<h2>Message Uniqueness</h2>
<div class="section">
Sometimes your script can run in an environment with an unstable connection and you want to implement an automatic re-try mechanism to send a message again if the last try failed due to bad connectivity.
To ensure that a message is only send once you can generate a unique id for your message (I would recommend a simple <code>uuidgen</code>).
If you send a message with an UUID that was already used in the near past the API still returns OK, but no new message is sent.
The message_id is optional - but if you want to use it you need to supply it via the <code>msg_id</code> parameter.
<pre>curl \
--data "user_id={userid}" \
--data "user_key={userkey}" \
--data "title={message_title}" \
--data "msg_id={message_id}" \</pre>
Be aware that the server only saves send messages for a short amount of time. Because of that you can only use this to prevent duplicates in a short time-frame, older messages with the same ID are probably already deleted and the message will be send again.
<h2>Custom Time</h2>
<div class="section">
You can modify the displayed timestamp of a message by sending the <code>timestamp</code> parameter. The format must be a valid UNIX timestamp (elapsed seconds since 1970-01-01 GMT)
The custom timestamp must be within 48 hours of the current time. This parameter is only intended to supply a more precise value in case the message sending was delayed.
<pre>curl \
--data "user_id={userid}" \
--data "user_key={userkey}" \
--data "title={message_title}" \
--data "timestamp={unix_timestamp}" \</pre>
<h2>Bash script example</h2>
<div class="section">
Depending on your use case it can be useful to create a bash script that handles things like resending messages if you have connection problems or waiting if there is no quota left.<br/>
Here is an example how such a scrippt could look like, you can put it into <code>/usr/local/sbin</code> and call it with <code>scn_send "title" "content"</code>
<pre style="color:#000000;" class="yellow-code"><span style="color:#3f7f59; font-weight:bold;">#!/usr/bin/env bash</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; ">#</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; "># Call with `scn_send title`</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; "># or `scn_send title content`</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; "># or `scn_send title content priority`</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; ">#</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; ">#</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"$#"</span> -lt 1 ]; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">echo</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"no title supplied via parameter"</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">exit</span> 1
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; ">################################################################################</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; "># INSERT YOUR DATA HERE #</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; ">################################################################################</span>
user_key=<span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; ">################################################################################</span>
content=<span style="color:#2a00ff; ">""</span>
sendtime=$(date +%s)
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"$#"</span> -gt 1 ]; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"$#"</span> -gt 2 ]; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">while</span> true ; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">do</span>
curlresp=$(curl -s -o <span style="color:#3f3fbf; ">/dev/null</span> -w <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"%{http_code}"</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">\</span>
-d <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">user_id</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">=</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$user_id</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> -d <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">user_key</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">=</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$user_key</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> -d <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">title</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">=</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$title</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> -d <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">timestamp</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">=</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$sendtime</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">\</span>
-d <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">content</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">=</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$content</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> -d <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">priority</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">=</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$priority</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> -d <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">msg_id</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">=</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$usr_msg_id</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">\</span>
https:<span style="color:#3f3fbf; ">/</span><span style="color:#3f3fbf; ">/</span>)
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$curlresp</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> == 200 ] ; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">echo</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"Successfully send"</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">exit</span> 0
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$curlresp</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> == 400 ] ; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">echo</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"Bad request - something went wrong"</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">exit</span> 1
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$curlresp</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> == 401 ] ; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">echo</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"Unauthorized - wrong </span><span style="color:#3f3fbf; ">userid/userkey</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">exit</span> 1
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$curlresp</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> == 403 ] ; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">echo</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"Quota exceeded - wait one hour before re-try"</span>
sleep 3600
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$curlresp</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> == 412 ] ; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">echo</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"Precondition Failed - No device linked"</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">exit</span> 1
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">if</span> [ <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$curlresp</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"</span> == 500 ] ; <span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">then</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">echo</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"Internal server error - waiting for better times"</span>
sleep 60
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">fi</span>
<span style="color:#3f7f59; "># if none of the above matched we probably hav no network ...</span>
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">echo</span> <span style="color:#2a00ff; ">"Send failed (response code </span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">$curlresp</span><span style="color:#2a00ff; ">) ... try again in 5s"</span>
sleep 5
<span style="color:#7f0055; font-weight:bold; ">done</span>
Be aware that the server only saves send messages for a short amount of time. Because of that you can only use this to prevent duplicates in a short time-frame, older messages with the same ID are probably already deleted and the message will be send again.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
height: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
min-height: 100%;
@keyframes blink-shadow {
0% { box-shadow: 0 0 32px #DDD; }
50% { box-shadow: none; }
100% { box-shadow: 0 0 32px #DDD; }
box-shadow: 0 0 32px #DDD;
//animation:blink-shadow ease-in-out 4s infinite;
width: 87%;
min-width: 300px;
max-width: 900px;
position: relative;
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<a tabindex="-1" href="">made by Mike Schw&ouml;rer</a>
<form id="mainpnl">
<a tabindex="-1" href="" class="button bordered" id="tl_link"><span class="icn-google-play"></span></a>
<a tabindex="-1" href="/api.php" class="button bordered" id="tr_link">API</a>
<a tabindex="-1" href="/" class="linkcaption"><h1>Simple Cloud Notifier</h1></a>
<div class="row responsive-label">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3"><label for="uid" class="doc">UserID</label></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md"><input placeholder="UserID" id="uid" class="doc" <?php echo (isset($_GET['preset_user_id']) ? (' value="'.$_GET['preset_user_id'].'" '):(''));?> type="number"></div>
<div class="row responsive-label">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3"><label for="ukey" class="doc">Authentification Key</label></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md"><input placeholder="Key" id="ukey" class="doc" <?php echo (isset($_GET['preset_user_key']) ? (' value="'.$_GET['preset_user_key'].'" '):(''));?> type="text" maxlength="64"></div>
<div class="row responsive-label">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3"><label for="prio" class="doc">Priority</label></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md">
<select id="prio" class="doc" type="text" style="width:100%;">
<option value="0" <?php echo (( isset($_GET['preset_priority'])&&$_GET['preset_priority']==='0') ? 'selected':'');?>>Low</option>
<option value="1" <?php echo ((!isset($_GET['preset_priority'])||$_GET['preset_priority']==='1') ? 'selected':'');?>>Normal</option>
<option value="2" <?php echo (( isset($_GET['preset_priority'])&&$_GET['preset_priority']==='2') ? 'selected':'');?>>High</option>
<div class="row responsive-label">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3"><label for="msg" class="doc">Message Title</label></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md"><input placeholder="Message" id="msg" class="doc" <?php echo (isset($_GET['preset_title']) ? (' value="'.$_GET['preset_title'].'" '):(''));?> type="text" maxlength="80"></div>
<div class="row responsive-label">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3"><label for="txt" class="doc">Message Content</label></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md"><textarea id="txt" class="doc" <?php echo (isset($_GET['preset_content']) ? (' value="'.$_GET['preset_content'].'" '):(''));?> rows="8" maxlength="2048"></textarea></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-3"></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md"><button type="submit" class="primary bordered" id="btnSend">Send</button></div>
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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
function send()
let me = document.getElementById("btnSend");
if (me.classList.contains("btn-disabled")) return;
me.innerHTML = "<div class=\"spinnerbox\"><div class=\"spinner primary\"></div></div>";
let uid = document.getElementById("uid");
let key = document.getElementById("ukey");
let msg = document.getElementById("msg");
let txt = document.getElementById("txt");
let pio = document.getElementById("prio");
let data = new FormData();
data.append('user_id', uid.value);
data.append('user_key', key.value);
data.append('title', msg.value);
data.append('content', txt.value);
data.append('priority', pio.value);
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/send.php', true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xhr.readyState !== 4) return;
console.log('Status: ' + xhr.status);
if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 401 || xhr.status === 403 || xhr.status === 412)
let resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (!resp.success || xhr.status !== 200)
if (resp.errhighlight === 101) uid.classList.add('input-invalid');
if (resp.errhighlight === 102) key.classList.add('input-invalid');
if (resp.errhighlight === 103) msg.classList.add('input-invalid');
if (resp.errhighlight === 104) txt.classList.add('input-invalid');
if (resp.errhighlight === 105) pio.classList.add('input-invalid');
text: resp.message,
gravity: "top",
positionLeft: false,
backgroundColor: "#D32F2F",
window.location.href =
'/message_sent.php' +
'?ok=' + 1 +
'&message_count=' + resp.messagecount +
'&quota=' + resp.quota +
'&quota_remain=' + (resp.quota_max-resp.quota) +
'&quota_max=' + resp.quota_max +
'&preset_user_id=' + uid.value +
'&preset_user_key=' + key.value;
text: 'Request failed: Statuscode=' + xhr.status,
gravity: "top",
positionLeft: false,
backgroundColor: "#D32F2F",
me.innerHTML = "Send";
window.addEventListener("load",function ()
let btnSend = document.getElementById("btnSend");
if (btnSend !== undefined) btnSend.onclick = function () { send(); return false; };

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<a tabindex="-1" href="">made by Mike Schw&ouml;rer</a>
<div id="mainpnl">
<div class="fullcenterflex">
<?php if (isset($_GET['ok']) && $_GET['ok'] === "1" ): ?>
<a class="card success" href="/index.php?preset_user_id=<?php echo isset($_GET['preset_user_id'])?$_GET['preset_user_id']:'ERR';?>&preset_user_key=<?php echo isset($_GET['preset_user_key'])?$_GET['preset_user_key']:'ERR';?>">
<div class="section">
<h3 class="doc">Message sent</h3>
<p class="doc">Message succesfully sent<br>
<?php echo isset($_GET['quota_remain'])?$_GET['quota_remain']:'ERR';?>/<?php echo isset($_GET['quota_max'])?$_GET['quota_max']:'ERR';?> remaining</p>
<?php else: ?>
<a class="card error" href="/index.php">
<div class="section">
<h3 class="doc">Failure</h3>
<p class="doc">Unknown error</p>
<?php endif; ?>
<a tabindex="-1" href="" class="button bordered" id="tl_link"><span class="icn-google-play"></span></a>
<a tabindex="-1" href="/index.php" class="button bordered" id="tr_link">Send</a>
<a tabindex="-1" href="/" class="linkcaption"><h1>Simple Cloud Notifier</h1></a>

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@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
include_once 'api/model.php';
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST') api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::REQ_METHOD, 'errhighlight' => -1, 'message' => 'Invalid request method (must be POST)']);
$INPUT = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (!isset($INPUT['user_id'])) api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::MISSING_UID, 'errhighlight' => 101, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_id]]']);
if (!isset($INPUT['user_key'])) api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::MISSING_TOK, 'errhighlight' => 102, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[user_token]]']);
if (!isset($INPUT['title'])) api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::MISSING_TITLE, 'errhighlight' => 103, 'message' => 'Missing parameter [[title]]']);
$user_id = $INPUT['user_id'];
$user_key = $INPUT['user_key'];
$message = $INPUT['title'];
$content = isset($INPUT['content']) ? $INPUT['content'] : '';
$priority = isset($INPUT['priority']) ? $INPUT['priority'] : '1';
$usrmsgid = isset($INPUT['msg_id']) ? $INPUT['msg_id'] : null;
$time = isset($INPUT['timestamp']) ? $INPUT['timestamp'] : time();
if (abs($time - time()) > 60*60*24*2) api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::TIMESTAMP_OUT_OF_RANGE, 'errhighlight' => -1, 'message' => 'The timestamp mus be within 24 hours of now()']);
if ($priority !== '0' && $priority !== '1' && $priority !== '2') api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::INVALID_PRIO, 'errhighlight' => 105, 'message' => 'Invalid priority']);
if (strlen(trim($message)) == 0) api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::NO_TITLE, 'errhighlight' => 103, 'message' => 'No title specified']);
if ($usrmsgid != null && strlen($usrmsgid) > 64) api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::USR_MSG_ID_TOO_LONG, 'errhighlight' => -1, 'message' => 'MessageID too long (64 characters)']);
$pdo = getDatabase();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT user_id, user_key, fcm_token, messages_sent, quota_today, is_pro, quota_day FROM users WHERE user_id = :uid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id]);
$datas = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($datas)<=0) api_return(401, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::USER_NOT_FOUND, 'errhighlight' => 101, 'message' => 'User not found']);
$data = $datas[0];
if ($data === null) api_return(401, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::USER_NOT_FOUND, 'errhighlight' => 101, 'message' => 'User not found']);
if ($data['user_id'] !== (int)$user_id) api_return(401, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::USER_NOT_FOUND, 'errhighlight' => 101, 'message' => 'UserID not found']);
if ($data['user_key'] !== $user_key) api_return(401, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::USER_AUTH_FAILED, 'errhighlight' => 102, 'message' => 'Authentification failed']);
if (strlen($message) > 120) api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::TITLE_TOO_LONG, 'errhighlight' => 103, 'message' => 'Title too long (120 characters)']);
if (strlen($content) > Statics::contentlen_max($data['is_pro'])) api_return(400, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::CONTENT_TOO_LONG, 'errhighlight' => 104, 'message' => 'Content too long ('.strlen($content).' characters; max := '.Statics::contentlen_max($data['is_pro']).' characters)']);
$fcm = $data['fcm_token'];
$new_quota = $data['quota_today'] + 1;
if ($data['quota_day'] === null || $data['quota_day'] !== date("Y-m-d")) $new_quota=1;
if ($new_quota > Statics::quota_max($data['is_pro'])) api_return(403, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::QUOTA_REACHED, 'errhighlight' => -1, 'message' => 'Daily quota reached ('.Statics::quota_max($data['is_pro']).')']);
if ($fcm == null || $fcm == '' || $fcm == false)
api_return(412, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::NO_DEVICE_LINKED, 'errhighlight' => -1, 'message' => 'No device linked with this account']);
if ($usrmsgid != null)
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT scn_message_id FROM messages WHERE sender_user_id=:uid AND usr_message_id IS NOT NULL AND usr_message_id=:umid LIMIT 1');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'umid' => $usrmsgid]);
if (count($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))>0)
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Message already sent',
'suppress_send' => true,
'response' => '',
'messagecount' => $data['messages_sent']+1,
'quota' => $data['quota_today'],
'is_pro' => $data['is_pro'],
'quota_max' => Statics::quota_max($data['is_pro']),
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO messages (sender_user_id, title, content, priority, sendtime, fcm_message_id, usr_message_id) VALUES (:suid, :t, :c, :p, :ts, :fmid, :umid)');
'suid' => $user_id,
't' => $message,
'c' => $content,
'p' => $priority,
'ts' => $time,
'fmid' => null,
'umid' => $usrmsgid,
$scn_msg_id = $pdo->lastInsertId();
$url = "";
$payload = json_encode(
'to' => $fcm,
//'dry_run' => true,
'android' => [ 'priority' => 'high' ],
//'notification' =>
// 'title' => $message,
// 'body' => $content,
'data' =>
'title' => $message,
'body' => str_limit($content, 1900),
'trimmed' => (strlen($content) > 1900),
'priority' => $priority,
'timestamp' => $time,
'usr_msg_id' => $usrmsgid,
'scn_msg_id' => $scn_msg_id,
'Authorization' => 'key=' . getConfig()['firebase']['server_key'],
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
$httpresult = sendPOST($url, $payload, $header);
if (try_json($httpresult, ['success']) != 1)
reportError("FCM communication failed (success_1 <> true)\n\n".$httpresult);
api_return(500, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::FIREBASE_COM_ERRORED, 'errhighlight' => -1, 'message' => 'Communication with firebase service failed.']);
catch (Exception $e)
reportError("FCM communication failed", $e);
api_return(500, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::FIREBASE_COM_FAILED, 'errhighlight' => -1, 'message' => 'Communication with firebase service failed.'."\n\n".'Exception: ' . $e->getMessage()]);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE users SET timestamp_accessed=NOW(), messages_sent=messages_sent+1, quota_today=:q, quota_day=NOW() WHERE user_id = :uid');
$stmt->execute(['uid' => $user_id, 'q' => $new_quota]);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE messages SET fcm_message_id=:fmid WHERE scn_message_id=:smid');
$stmt->execute([ 'fmid' => try_json($httpresult, ['results', 0, 'message_id']), 'smid' => $scn_msg_id ]);
'success' => true,
'error' => ERR::NO_ERROR,
'errhighlight' => -1,
'message' => 'Message sent',
'suppress_send' => false,
'response' => $httpresult,
'messagecount' => $data['messages_sent']+1,
'quota' => $new_quota,
'is_pro' => $data['is_pro'],
'quota_max' => Statics::quota_max($data['is_pro']),
'scn_msg_id' => $scn_msg_id,
catch (Exception $mex)
reportError("Root try-catch triggered", $mex);
if ($pdo !== null && $pdo->inTransaction()) $pdo->rollBack();
api_return(500, ['success' => false, 'error' => ERR::INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, 'errhighlight' => -1, 'message' => 'PHP script threw exception.'."\n\n".'Exception: ' . $e->getMessage()]);