88 lines
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- finish tests (!)
- migration script for existing data
apply local deletion in (my) app
delete excessive dockerwatch messages (directly in db?)
- app-store link in HTML
- route to re-check all pro-token (for me)
- deploy
- error logging as goroutine, gets all errors via channel,
(channel buffered - nonblocking send, second channel that gets a message when sender failed )
(then all errors end up in _second_ sqlite table)
due to message channel etc everything is non blocking and cant fail in main
- => implement proper error logging in goext, kinda combines zerolog and wrapped-errors
copy basic code from bringman, but remove all bm specific stuff and make it abstract
Register(ErrType) methods, errtypes then as structs
log.xxx package with same interface as zerolog
- jobs to clear requests-db and logs-db after to only keep X entries...
- /send endpoint should be compatible with the [ webhook ] notifier of uptime-kuma
(or add another /kuma endpoint)
-> https://webhook.site/
- endpoint to list all servernames of user (distinct select)
- ios purchase verification
- move to KeyToken model
* [X] User can have multiple keys with different permissions
* [X] compat simply uses default-keys
* [X] CRUD routes for keys
* [X] KeyToken.messagecounter
* [x] update old-data migration to create token-keys
* [x] unit tests
- We no longer have a route to reshuffle all keys (previously in updateUser), add a /user/:uid/keys/reset ?
Would delete all existing keys and create 3 new ones?
- TODO-comments
- in my script: use `srvname` for sendername
- switch send script everywhere (we can use the new server, but we need to send correct channels)
- (?) default-priority for channels
- (?) ack/read deliveries && return ack-count (? or not, how to query?)
- (?) "login" on website and list/search/filter messages
- (?) make channels deleteable (soft-delete) (what do with messages in channel?)
- (?) desktop client for notifications
- (?) add querylog (similar to requestlog/errorlog) - only for main-db
#### LATER
- weblogin, webapp, ...
- Pagination for ListChannels / ListSubscriptions / ListClients / ListChannelSubscriptions / ListUserSubscriptions
- Add .Insert() function to sq.DB interface (auto generate insert for an object based on struct keys)
- cannot open sqlite in dbbrowsr (cannot parse schema?)
-> https://github.com/sqlitebrowser/sqlitebrowser/issues/292 -> https://github.com/sqlitebrowser/sqlitebrowser/issues/29266
- Remove compat, especially do not create compat id for every new message...