2.4 KiB
app-store link in HTML
ios purchase verification
exerr.New | exerr.Wrap
Properly handle UNREGISTERED firebase error (remove token from client?) WRN logic/application.go:284 > FCM Delivery failed error="FCM-Request returned 404: { "error": {\n "code": 404,\n "message": "Requested entity was not found.",\n "status": "NOT_FOUND",\n "details": [\n {\n "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.firebase.fcm.v1.FcmError",\n "errorCode": "UNREGISTERED"\n }\n ]\n }\n}\n" ClientID=CLNGOSVIaCnm5cQmCI0pC5kR MessageID=MSG8w7NvVRm0OtJERnJlEe3C
(?) default-priority for channels
(?) "login" on website and list/search/filter messages
(?) make channels deleteable (soft-delete) (what do with messages in channel?)
(?) desktop client for notifications
(?) add querylog (similar to requestlog/errorlog) - only for main-db
(?) specify 'type' of message (debug, info, warn, error, fatal) -> distinct from priority
do i need bool2db()? it seems to work for keytokens without them?
We no longer have a route to reshuffle all keys (previously in updateUser), add a /user/:uid/keys/reset ? Would delete all existing keys and create 3 new ones?
error logging as goroutine, gets all errors via channel, (channel buffered - nonblocking send, second channel that gets a message when sender failed ) (then all errors end up in second sqlite table) due to message channel etc everything is non blocking and cant fail in main
=> implement proper error logging in goext, kinda combines zerolog and wrapped-errors copy basic code from bringman, but remove all bm specific stuff and make it abstract Register(ErrType) methods, errtypes then as structs log.xxx package with same interface as zerolog
jobs to clear error-db to only keep X entries... (requests-db already exists)
route to re-check all pro-token (for me)
endpoint to list all servernames of user (distinct select)
weblogin, webapp, ...
Pagination for ListChannels / ListSubscriptions / ListClients / ListChannelSubscriptions / ListUserSubscriptions
use job superclass (copy from isi/bnet/?), reduce duplicate code
admin panel (especially errors and requests)
cli app (?)
- Remove compat, especially do not create compat id for every new message...