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Now, after two pseudo-pathfinding problems we finally get a real one.

The right solution would proably be to search online for dijkstras algorithm, but I'm lazy and I kinda remember the essence - so I implement my own algorithm from what I remember about pathfinding :D.

The general idea is still the same - we generate a 80x80 grid where each cell contains the minimal distance to the node [0,0]. At the end we just have to look at the value of distance[79, 79]. Initially all distances are set to an absurdly high number.

Additionally we have a a 80x80 marker-grid where we mark cells either UNKNOWN (#), MARKED (0) or FINISHED (1). Initially all cells are Unknown.

We start our algorithm by setting distance[0, 0] = data[0, 0] and marker[0, 0] = MARKED

Then we execute the main loop until all cells are marked with FINISHED, in our main loop we do:

  • Search fo a MARKED cell
  • Calculate for all 4 directions the distance:
  • distance = distance[x, y] + data[x+1, y] (or x-1, y+1, y-1, depending on the direction)
  • If the calculated distance is less than the cached value (distance[x+1, y]) update the distance and set the updated cell to MARKED
  • Set our current cell to FINISHED (marker[x, y] = FINISHED)

Rinse and repeat until finished.