2022-10-15 16:56:50 +02:00

5.9 KiB

./dops - better docker ps

A replacement for the default docker-ps that tries really hard to fit into the width of your terminal.


By default, my docker ps output is really wide and every line wraps around into three. This (obviously) breaks the tabular display and makes everything chaotic.
(This is becomes really extreme if one container has multiple port mappings, and they are all displayed in a single row) It does not look like we will get a better output in the foreseeable future (see moby#7477), so I decided to make my own drop-in replacement.


  • All normal commandline flags/options from docker-ps work (almost) the same.
  • Write multi-value data (like multiple port mappings, multiple networks, etc.) into multiple lines instead of concatenating them.
  • Add color to the STATE and STATUS column (green / yellow / red).
  • Automatically remove columns in the output until it fits in the current terminal width.

More Changes from default docker-ps:

  • Show (by default) the container-cmd without arguments.
  • Show the ImageName (by default) without the registry prefix, and split ImageName and ImageTag into two columns.
  • Added the columns IP and NETWORK to the default column set (if they fit)
  • Added support for a few new columns (via --format):
    {{.ImageName}, {{.ImageTag}, {{.Tag}, {{.ImageRegistry}, {{.Registry}, {{.ShortCommand}, {{.LabelKeys}, {{.IP}
  • Added options to control the color-output, the used socket, the time-zone and time-format, etc (see ./dops --help)

Getting started

  • Download the latest binary from the releases page
  • but it into yout PATH (eg /usr/local/bin)
  • (optional) alias the docker ps command (see section below)


All (default) columns visible


Output on a medium sized terminal


Output on a small terminal


Usage as drop-in replacement

You can fully replace docker ps by creating a shell function in your .bashrc / .zshrc...

docker() {
  case $1 in
      command dops "$@"
      command docker "$@";;

This will alias every call to docker ps ... with dops ... (be sure to have the dops binary in your PATH).

If you are using the fish-shell you have to create a (similar) function:

function docker
    if test -n "$argv[1]"
        switch $argv[1]
            case ps
                dops $argv[2..-1]
            case '*'
                command docker $argv[1..-1]


Output of ./dops --help:


  dops [OPTIONS]                     List docker container

Options (default):
  -h, --help                         Show this screen.
  --version                          Show version.
  --all , -a                         Show all containers (default shows just running)
  --filter <ftr>, -f <ftr>           Filter output based on conditions provided
  --format <fmt>                     Pretty-print containers using a Go template
  --last , -n                        Show n last created containers (includes all states)
  --latest , -l                      Show the latest created container (includes all states)
  --no-trunc                         Don't truncate output
  --quiet , -q                       Only display container IDs
  --size , -s                        Display total file sizes

Options (extra | do not exist in `docker ps`):
  --silent                           Do not print any output
  --timezone                         Specify the timezone for date outputs
  --color <true|false>               Enable/Disable terminal color output
  --no-color                         Disable terminal color output
  --socket <filepath>                Specify the docker socket location (Default: /var/run/docker.sock)
  --timeformat <go-time-fmt>         Specify the datetime output format (golang syntax)
  --no-header                        Do not print the table header
  --simple-header                    Do not print the lines under the header
  --format <fmt>                     You can specify multiple formats and the first one that fits your terminal widt will be used

Available --format keys (default):
  {{.ID}}                            Container ID
  {{.Image}}                         Image ID
  {{.Command}}                       Quoted command
  {{.CreatedAt}}                     Time when the container was created.
  {{.RunningFor}}                    Elapsed time since the container was started.
  {{.Ports}}                         Exposed ports.
  {{.State}}                         Container status
  {{.Status}}                        Container status with details
  {{.Size}}                          Container disk size.
  {{.Names}}                         Container names.
  {{.Labels}}                        All labels assigned to the container.
  {{.Label}}                         [!] Unsupported
  {{.Mounts}}                        Names of the volumes mounted in this container.
  {{.Networks}}                      Names of the networks attached to this container.

Available --format keys (extra | do not exist in `docker ps`):
  {{.ImageName}}                     Image ID (without tag and registry)
  {{.ImageTag}}, {{.Tag}}            Image Tag
  {{.ImageRegistry}}, {{.Registry}}  Image Registry
  {{.ShortCommand}}                  Command without arguments
  {{.LabelKeys}}                     All labels assigned to the container (keys only)
  {{.IP}}                            Internal IP Address