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To calculate the repeating-digit-count we use an algorithm based on the idea of a long division. Here on the example of 1/7

Position Value Remainder Note
0 0, 10/7 10/7 = 1 & (10%7)*10 = 30
1 0,1 30/7 30/7 = 1 & (30%7)*10 = 20
2 0,13 20/7 20/7 = 1 & (20%7)*10 = 60
3 0,132 60/7 60/7 = 1 & (60%7)*10 = 40
4 0,1328 40/7 40/7 = 1 & (40%7)*10 = 50
5 0,13285 50/7 50/7 = 1 & (50%7)*10 = 10
6 0,132857 10/7 duplicate remainder -> loop closed

=> RepeatingDigitCount := 6 - 0 = 6

We use a 1000-field "array" to remember every remainder we already had - as soon as we reach one that is already in use the digits start repeating itself.

For better understanding here the FindRepeatingDigitCount(int divisor) algorithm in pseudo-code:

int current = 1;
int position = 0;
while(true) {
	current = (current*10) % divisor;
	if (grid[current] != 0) return position - grid[current];
	else grid[current] = position;